I have seen a change in the students in the just the past 5 years...Students are much more narcissistic. They start school with a sense of entitlement. They expect to achieve the highest level of our industry without developing the skillset competently. In other words, "They want the first place trophy even if they lose the game..." If they don't get what they want, they have even been known to send their parents in to attack (rarely, but it happens). Sometimes, I have parents contacting me on behalf of their children so they can be the conduit of information for their child. It's uncomfortable to have to tell a parent that they have no business taking that role and I am legally bound to not share information regarding their child even if they are paying the tuition.
As an instructor in a career college, it amazes me that the current class of students will essentially mortgage their future with enormous student loans, but they won't read the book. They want the degree but strive for mediocrity. On the other hand, my older class of students (typically career changers) want to squeeze every drop of knowledge they get out of you. I look forward to having career changers, because they set an excellent example for the younger students.They have ralistic expectations and are willing to earn their place in the industry.