Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.


Anytime we have an opportunity to learn how to better manage our time is win-win. We must always look for the value in these learning experiences. 

On line teaching

I enjoyed this course actually.  I have found teaching on line to be quite effective.  I was an on-line instructor for an OPEN LAB for ASN students.  It was not a mandated lab, but once you registered it became mandatory for them.  I started with 6 students, and then word of mouth got out and my class was average about 37 students per class.  It was amazing.  I have kept track of the statistics on the learners who graduated, took their exit exams and passed NCLEX RN.  My on-line teaching and the way I projected my teaching these students all… >>>

Online Learners in a flipped classroom

Our university has recently started a "flipped classroom" with online lessons and then a classroom for adult learners to actually do activities like "design" in the classroom and study at your own pace at night.


This is slighted modifed from the the EL 104 course but many of the discussions on organization and facilitation are all important to student learning.


Self and peer assessments are a valuable tool to improve student learning.  This is a valuable tool to assist students in the workforce when being evaluated. 

Course Syllabus

By taking this course, I realized the importance of an interactive sylabus. This ia a great idea, and I plan to implement that in my course. I also would like to incorporate self- and peer- evaluations.

Workload Management Strategy Action Plan

This was probably the best MaxKnowledge course I have taken thus far. I learned many key skills to improving my planning, communicating, time management and course revision. These are skills that will be vital to the success for myself and the orginazation I work for. I plan to re-evaluate how I process my workload and revise my methods with these new skills I have learned.

Classroom management

I enjoy completing this training, I will implement all the learning tools in my daily teaching. I will create better and engaging announcement inside my classroom, which will help keep my students envolve in the course and the material they need to learn. 

Active Learning

The shift towards student centered and active learning is essential in producing passionate, competent and engaging individuals. It seems that primary schooling has moved away from this concept in requiring more standardized tests and teaching surrounding this. I enjoyed the several examples of active learning provided including the use of GPS to map activities.

Time Management

This course had some great tips on time management techniques while teaching an online course. It seems promoting significant student-student interaction and interdependence is important in not getting bogged down with student questions and emails. I liked the suggestion of including not only a FAQ but also a FAQT for technology issues and concerns. Also, keeping links and other documents in one folder will be a technique I will incorporate. Often links to external media such as YouTube videos break and need to be replaced.


This course included good organization tips for a learning environment. I appreciate the distinctions made between the different roles of an online instructor and facilitator. Having a good balance of communication methods seems to be the most effective way of engaging and encouraging high levels of student learning. I intend to incoporate some synchronous class meetings in addition to asynchronous methods. Sometimes it is nice to have that 'human' and personal touch of visualization and face to face engagement if possible.


This course was a wealth of information on improving teaching techniques in an online environment to promote student centered learning. I plan to utilize FAQ discussions boards more, and have them be student led. From experience it seems as though students enjoy being able to 'self-help' and also builds a sense of community. I also thought the dynamic syllabus was an awesome idea to incorporate in an online course.


I enjoyed learning about different faicllitation techniques and interacting with students. I most appreciated the definitions of the different types of students. I found myself reflecting on the experiences I've had with peers in online courses. As an instructor I plan to employ the technique of requesting student biographies and sending personal welcome messages if possible.

New Instructor Support

I highly recommend this Course for a new Online Instructor.  It explains the basics to the Online arena and the importance to being present for the students, keeping them engaged and open communication.  Virtual education is a great platform for the working adult and giving clear expectations to the students is encouraging and leads to success and greater confidence in the overall performance.  Many of the students are jugging work, families and studying thus the benefit of online education arena.  A student can log into the Course room when time permits around a time that is convienient.  Thus, preparing a… >>>

Managing Conflicts

Conflicts must be dealt with in a professional and speedy manner whether online on face-to-face. Nevertheless, in an online format some may feel bolder since he or she is not visible therefore presenting the false since of grandure when responding. Consequently having an action plan and using some of the suggestions recommended from this course along with using snippets from policies will enhance the learning environment.  Also, when conflicts are resolved give learners an opportunity to use similar techniques with their own personal and professional problems. 

EL113 - Active Learning in the Online Environment

Learned some very interesting concepts that will apply well to my online instructor position.


Learning new ideas on how to develop a course and why can be quite confusing.  There are several steps needed along the way to make a course well defined and much work to refine it. 

Online teaching

I really enjoyed this course. I think it brought insight into the differences we face today regarding online vs traditional courses. I enjoyed learning about the different aspects to take into consideration.


When we listen to our students we pick up on their individual concerns and learn how we may be able to use them to ensure that they continue trying to complete their education goals.

Positive Feedback waters the soul....

I wanted to remind everyone that people always soak up positive feedback - but all the more in the learning environment - and then all the more in the online setting where vulnerable students are often clinging to every interaction with the instructor. 

Most students need little comments to help them feel bonded and thrive from specific comments that can help to build their confidence.

Some students just want some reassurance about how they are doing on that assignment. Let's not leave them wondering - let's not wait till later on some simple comments - and bond - instead -… >>>

Online Overview

Learning Online Outcomes