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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Online Tutorial

Technogy changes the classroom learning

Online Success

Steps Taking For Online Success

Online Courses

Emerging with online studies

Online teaching

I have learned much from this course. I myself took online courses during my Master's program. During this time, I had no idea what the instructor had to go through to assure each and every student was successful. Much is intailed in following up on each thread and assuring no student gets left behind causing attrition. Online instruction is the wave of our future and necesary as more non-traditional students have the opportunity to go back to school to fulfill their dreams. 

Classroom Strategies

As an instructor in the e-learning platform, a multitude of strategies can also be implemented to influence, persuade, inspire, and energize students.

Best Practices

I will incorporate many active learning best practices into my online class.  

Online Course Changes

This training has helped me to understand the value of the chat section of my course management system. I will make sure to use email more often. I also intend to employ a q&a section, I didn't have one. Most all of this information will be used immediately. I am a new online instructor and this information was so helpful. 

Sharing my experience

This was a very interesting and highly informational course. I have taken too many online courses before, however, this one ranks above all others because it was rich in information and multi-faceted. The course almost explained every question that I had in mind before taking it. I recommend all of my peers and colleagues to take this online course as soon as possible in order to become familiar with all the neccesary tools and aspects of an online course. This course will help the learning process as well as the teacing techniques of all faculty members without an exception.

Preparing Students to Become Good Online Learners

I have been training in the online enviornment for four years now and I am still twicking my courses to ensure I am preparing students to become the best online learner they can be. It's great to have a refresher every now and then to ensure I am doing my very best and giving my all to my students. This course also helps me with my continued development. Since I teach the beginning courses, I have students enrolled who have never learned in an online enviornment. Depending on the student, I may have to 'hold their hand' a little more than someone who's… >>>

EL 103

I have learned so much from this course. I will definitely use these rich information when I do my On-line facilitation.


This course explains the how-to and foundations of teaching online in a very clear and effective manner. It solidifies what I learned in my training and even brought a few new ideas that I will attempt to incorporate.

EL 102

This course helped me have a better understanding of on-line teaching. I hope to use what I learned here when I have my on-line classes.


I learned very good inforation regarding personality types. I plan to start aligning the way I teach with the individual personalities I have in class. I believe many of my students are introverts and will take that into consideration when reaching out to them.

Great course!

Be sure students understand your time schedule

I have run into students who think it is ok to submit all their assignments at the end of the course near Final grade submission date.  This is unrealistic as Intsructors do not have unlimited time to grade.  I insure that my syllabus has a policy about late work which I review multiple times during the course.

Take time to ensure all students are engaged

In reviewing the online classes I have taken I feel the most often frustration occurs when feedback from the Instructor is spotty, brief and non-specific. It is essential to answer questions posed by students in a manner that is both respectful and adds to the content of the course. Too often I have received comments from Instructors that are off-handed and appear to be written in a hurried manner, such as " Your comment is too brief"... or simply assigning a grade to the assignment with no significant feedback as to the reason for the grade, either positive or negative. I… >>>

Online Teaching

Yuou must have patience for technical difficulty. If you are tired rest and come back and continue online courses.


I enjoyed learning about the student self assessment using the rubric.  I do advise students to see the rubric to see how their assignments will be graded. Some take this very seriously and submit wonderful work.  Others however, no matter how many ways or times I convey information to help with improving their work, do not read, take phone calls, and do not take suggestions for revisions to resubmit for a better grade. 

I also agree that consistency within the modules is key! As a previous online student I would have been very upset if every class I took had… >>>


I think it is a great idea for students to be able to use the rubric to self-assess themselves before they submit to their instructor for grading. As learned in this module, it teaches them the importance of "owning" of their individual learning/work.  While I think more advanced online students would be willing and thrilled with the opportunity to do this, some students, no matter how many times or ways they are advised in and how to improve, still do not take advantage of the suggestions, or even additional attempts allowed for improvement. Yet, the ones who do, are always… >>>


While students appreciate varied assignments, I have also witnessed that they are more receptive to developing patterns. For example, students appreciate consistency with finding information in a set place as opposed to looking for it in different places each week. Therefore, some elements of the class such as announcements are always placed in the same place as well as delivered through email.

types of learners--personalities

The learning material about personalities of students in the online environment was helpful.  I will pay attention especially to the intimidators which I see quite frequently as MSN RN students.