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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Thank you

Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to learn.


I will be sharing and training my collegues.  Helping and traing other instructors will solidify the foundation of our Hybrid program.

Action Plan

I plan to get more organized in my classroom. I have a better understanding why UMA pushes being active and available to students. I will use my time more wisely by choosing which days I am online and communicate those expextactions to students at the beginning of the class.


Best Practices

I find that when I share course expectations the 1st day of class and reiterate expectations in numerous forms, for example, class announcements and the live sessions, students are less apprehensive about the course. I also like to promote collaboration and critical thinking in class discussions amongst peers. I ask them to share for example their real world experience in regards to a topic, and if no real world experience, what they might do if confronted with the situation. After several contribute their thoughts, I like to say "great discussion between one another here" and praise them for sharing with… >>>

Online Classroom

I have been teaching for more than 30 years; the first lesson is the same instructions provided at my University; just using different terminology.....tell the student what you about to do, then demonstrate, next tell them what you did.

Of course, you have to be prepared and anticipate anything that could posssibly so wrong.

My field is technology.  I can program computers, repair computers, troubleshoot computers, maintain computers and build computers.  

Maybe I chose the wrong training.




Best Practices

Some of my best practices in the online learning environments is to ensure that all of my students speak with me. Reading a BIO and hearing my voice makes a big difference and it ties the BIO to a real person. Students have often complained to me that in an online learning environment that they feel as if they are talking to a computer and not a person most times because they seldomly have the opportunity to speak with the professor.

Another best practice of mine is to provide screen recordings to help students understand materials presented and to give… >>>

Email communication

I found it best to dissect the email received and answer all parts.  I include an opening, acknowledgement of the email and a response to all parts, then a closing always thanking them and asking if I can be of further assistance.  I usually read emails 2-3 times before I send them to make sure my response is clear and postive.

Onilne thoughts vs hands one

I have not taught many online classes but I feel it is easier to keep up with studenw progression and skills hands on. Usually they wait until last minute and procratinate with assighnmentw, then they ask for help at the end of  when it's crunch time.

online class EL 104

Thank you for this informative course in the technology use of the computer.  It was a great review.


Reflections on EL103 Teaching Online: A Student-Centered Approach

Since completing this course, I wasn't too sure HOW I'd put everything I wanted to do into practice. Somehow, I managed to make incremental improvements with each course I've taught. 

Without being able to coerce students to attend a weekly live lab session with me, I had to find unique ways to feed them the information that they would have received in a one-on-one session to help them be successful. 

Ironically, the curriculum for my course had to be updated, so I took the initiative of participating in this effort. Making improvements to the assignment instructions and some of the… >>>

Good class

i enjoyed this class.  I think the abbreviations were a bit much

How this course heled me.

I have just started teach on-line in the last year.  I know I am not super familiar with the LMS we use.  I have an IT person at my disposal almost immediately, this is a blessing.  I need to be more organized and this course gave me some valuable techniques to re-organize me.  Also. I have never taken an on-line course myself, this course gave me a glimpse into what my students are going though.

Not 24/7

I think this course really helped me to learn how not to be a 24/7 day instructor. It is important to set boundaries, have an appropriate course format, and encourage your students in the right way. I do not want to be a hover instructor and this course helped me to evaluate my organizational skills as well. 


Always answer a students question.

It was worth it.

I personally do not like creating rubric but after taking this course I would like to make mine better. I love that it discusses critically looking at the course and always examining it to see it is meeting the  needs of the stakeholders. Great class. Julie


There are many useful tools for teaching. It is important to keep in mind the needs of students


Online courses are the key recommendations. Is very important provide clear instructions

How to succeed

Planning is crucial to success.  When taking an online course, it is best to track due dates and plan ahead.  This way, you will be able to check your progress and stay on track.

Making the students LEADERS FOR A CLASS

Students are told ahead of time when it will be their turn, in addition, they are given the topic to prepare with whatever method they want for a 10 minute teaching time. I have also ued a game called STUMP THE TEACHER with good results in this area.


Managing a successful online class is being an effective facilitator. This is done by using a neo-Socratic method in which the students teach you, but you listen and comment back on what they teach you. Questions will help facilitate their learning.