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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Nice format

well presented and good reinforcement of material- Stephen

Model, Mentor and Monitor

This class was very helpful and educational. Faculty and Staff have a big role on every students success. We should  all follow the HABEs everyday.


I found the Raising the Bar to 'First-Class' Customer Service course very beneficial and related to all of the material at the college I am employed at.  It gave very specific information to help retain students through customer service and gave very good suggestions on how to better the customer service in the every department.

School Retention

This course was beneficial for me to take because retention is an issue. By understanding the components of a student's life and what we as instructors can do to help them, I now have a realization of what it takes to retain students. Thank you. Gayle Zamore. 

RT 104

This course was very helpful in regards to student retention. This has been an area of concern in my school recently. We have been losing more students lately. After doing this course, I was made re-aware of some of the things I need to make sure I implement in my classoom. I have been teaching at my current school for three years and it is easy to fall into a routine. When this happens, though, you may seem less enthusiastic about the content of what you're teaching. I need to really focus on staying upbeat and positive, and make the… >>>

Retention for the First Week

New students need help to get started on campus, and the best way to do this is through orientation programs. These programs provide a friendly, welcoming atmosphere  that helps students feel at home. This also gives students a chance to meet people and make friends through fun activities. To maintain the good school relationship, initiated with students at orientation, advising programs are strongly recommended. This allows the school to follow-up with the student on a regular basis. The student's problems can be discussed and solved at these meetings and students can also be informed on how to to improve their… >>>

RT105 Great course.....

This was a fantastic learning tool. RT105 really helped improve the way I look at customer service, both personally and as it relates to my school.  I look forward to applying (what I have learned in this course) to my daily practices and interactions with students as the Bursar of my school. 


This was an excellent course on retention. Retention can only happen when everyone is on one accord.


It was a good course. I think customer service is a dying trait in a lot of industries today and it is good to get a refresher. I wish more people could learn how to give outstanding customer service.


Career goals and retention

Since student indecision as to major or career options is a primary factor in student persistence, advising programs should have strong links to career services on campus as part of any retention plan. Advising and career services should be, if possible, interrelated so that students see the connection between their academic planning and their career goals.

Student Retention

This course was most helpful in making me realize how a student is every department's responsibiity.

That the faculty and staff must understand, if the student is successful then we are successful.  I for

one don't want to feel defeated when it comes to a student.  I want to feel I've contributed to their

success by bringing all my experience to the table.  Student retention depends on what we as faculty and staff

want for our students and the students must feel this from day one of their class start.

RT104 Best Practices to Enhance Student Retention

This course helped me to hone my skills in order to inspire my students, and help them change their lives for the better. It make me realize that I am a part of a team that helps students to succeed in their chosen field.


It also made me realize that a school in its whole (instructors, receptionists, financial aid officers, admissions representatives, deans, and even security officers) make an impact on the daily lives of the students. Because of this, it's vital that we strive to create a positive and caring atmosphere, so that student retention can improve.

 … >>>

Good course content

This course was very relevant and intersting, especially dealing with new genaration, had good material and very informative, I enjoied this course.

The Cost of College Attrition at Four-Year Colleges and Universities [REPORT]

The Cost of College Attrition at Four-Year Colleges and Universities is a report of the findings of the latest research from Dr. Neal Raisman regarding the causes of student attrition and the huge financial costs associated with student attrition. The report was published by the Educational Policy Institute in February, 2013.

Download the full report

Student Activities

Does not always have to be curriculum centered, other social acivieis can engage students as well. we are a culinary centered school and have a gardening, wine, molecular clubs but

in addition have bowling, and book clubs as well!

Course completion

This course was very interesting.  It opened my eyes to the many areas an institute can assist studnets in achieving thier dreams.

Very informative



Attention.  What is attention? It is when we take the time to listen to someone else.  We take the time to see every individual with our eyes and look beyond that person.We look beyond their physical appearance.  We wonder about their lives. Each individual has a story to tell about themselves. We recognize  each individual is made up of mind,body, and soul. When a student approaches, a smile from the faculty will open up avenues of communication.  We express concern,availability, and ultimately attention.  This student will feel wanted,respected, and will want to stay in school.  l


This is something that is at the very core of my position at our school, but often, I've struggled with what I can really do about it.  This course affirmed that there were things we were doing correctly and suggested some new strategies that we can implement.

Good Course Content

This course was very relevant, especially in dealing with the millennium generation, however I'd like to see a course devoted specifically to that age/demo. Some of the data assumptions, I believe, would be changed - especially those references applying to certain students having/not having adequate coping mechanisms, etc. This new generation, comfortable in communicating digitally, will skew this data in a much different direction, perhaps, and upset and change the assumptions given in this course.