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Good Information

This was very positive reinforcement on important skills employees need in any workforce.

Teaching Argumentative Writing as a way to Enhance Soft Skills

One of the challenges that I face as an English instructor is to find new and innovative ways to teach rhetoric and argumentative writing. Does anyone have any ideas on how to stress to students the relevancy of basical rhetorical concepts in the workplace?

soft skills

I think that a persons soft skills help to manage the classes over all progression.


I am going to let my students do more team work. I really like that idea.

present children in the technology future

In seeing how 2 and 3 year old children are able to use phones and have their own tablets, etc. Most of the skills we are requiring now in the career world will be simple for them growing up with so much technology. What will things be like for them in their careers/futures???

tips to improve EQ/behaviors

I found this statement thought provoking (from the tips to improve EQ under manage your emotions), Start with a plan to motivate the group and the more you manage emotions the less need you will have to manage behaviors. I am going to try to work this in to my new semester the end of January but not quite sure on how to get it started...any ideas??

Education Starts in the home

All too often, we have collectively been instructed in the traditional brick and mortar settings. However, in today's society and with the millennium population, electronics has taken education to a whole new level of learning. While Education does begin with parents as a child, it is now the norm to find that the Generation X individuals are seeking education to better themselves through the newest of technologies or cyber schools in order to obtain a degree of some sort to advance themselves into a better job. Myself, I have students that range from the low end of 18 years to the higher end of 54 years old. The challenges that are put forth for us instructors is maintaining and keeping each of those individuals active in the learning. From an instructors point of view, there are a number of challenges for the older population of grabbing their attention through cyber schooling where these individuals are more hands on and need that interaction, however, do not have the time to go to the brick and mortar institutions. Some of the newest methods of cyber schooling include the face time via internet. This may prove to be extremely beneficial for the older population to understand the information.

Writing assignments are hard sometimes.

I teach in a practical nursing program and my students are not required to have any English classes (other than having passed HS or GED and an entrance exam). Some of them have horrible writing skills, but re-teaching English is not in our class, nor do I have time to teach them grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. It is a shame that they don't learn or retain this from high school education.

Dealing with controversial issues

I teach sociology at the school where I am an instructor. One of the most valuable things I have learned in this class has been not only teaching the main concepts in the text but also the concepts discussed in this lesson such as managing emotions, listening to others, empathy, conflict resolution, being polite, and adapting to change. These have become very key to address and teach to the students as part of this course. I really enjoyed this course because it has given me a format that I can use to bring into the classroom to teach these concepts as part of this class.

Active Listening Can Be Funny

Students at every level need to learn to develop active listening skills. One of the best ways I have seen this done is through improvisational comedy. Improv has two simple rules - 1) you cannot negate what someone has just said or did and 2) you must add something meaningful to the scene. The first rule teaches a student how to accept without judgment what the speaker is saying. The second rule, however, is the hardest because in order to forces the active listener to really listen, internalize what the previous speaker just said, and create something new (synthesis).

Presentation Skills

In today's workplace you can expect to give a presentation. Student's in all disciplines should be able to create and present in an informative manner. This is an essential skill!

Important Soft Skills

I feel that one of the most important soft skills is dependability. It is important for instructors to be dependable for the organizations. When you have an instructor who you never know if they are not going to show up for class or not able to meet certain requirements it places a strain on their peers. We have to be dependable as instructors because our students are watching us and it makes me wonder what type of message we are sending them.

Soft Skills

I did not know until taking this class what soft skills were and how important they are. Well, I guess I didn't know that being drug free, attention to detail, and conflict resolution, etc. were considered soft skills. I truly enjoyed this class.

soft skills

If an instructor does not have soft skills when teaching in the classroom with students they can come off as distant or worse, unapproachable. We encounter so many students every day that lack in soft skills. It is important to lead by example.

Problems in the workplace ratios

I was surprised to read the assessment of workplace problems being caused by 15% technical problems vs. 85% soft skills, perhaps due to the highly technical nature of my job (as a veterinary technician.) Would this not be somewhat of a subjective assessment, and variable between professions? In my experience, despite the fact that people that enter my field tend to be less of the "people person" variety (hence the pull toward working with animals), it seems to me that the majority of people that I have witnessed losing their jobs over the last 20 years have done so due to a lack of technical ability/performance issues.

Soft Skills

Soft Skills are very important in the workplace. It can effect the way students learn and how they get along with an instructor.

Improving Soft Skills

I think that the growth of soft skills and EQ happens daily, especially in a diverse background.

Teaching with Soft skills

It is so important that we have professional soft skills and hard skills to maintain, eager students in the learning process.

Important Soft Skills

I believe the most important soft skill is being the proprer "fit" meaning you have to have great social skill. You can possess all the wonderful technical skill. However, if you are not a good "fit" jobs will sometimes fire you

People Skills

I really believe that people skills are the key to success. One of the most important people skills to me is a positive attitude. I know that everything can not be positive all the time but that if you strive to turn negatives into positives then you will have better relationships with those that are around you.