Anne Terry

Anne Terry

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I have learnt about all the agencies that can viit an institution at any time. I also learnt that there is about 6000 schools/institution that are regulated by one or more aganecies. Learn to greet any announced or unanounced visit with a smile and friendly face but with urgency also.

This has been a good learning platform. I have gained some valuable knowledge and understand how and why some studetns are successful and some are not. Learning styles , true colrs and personality traits are all connected and helps promote a good learning environment. Instructors have a role to play in educating students, and leaarning about the personality traits will help guide us through and also help the student succeed which is th eultimate goal.


I have lernt that there are different teaching styles and thst each one has its own good and bad points. Students respond to teaching styles and get engaged in what they are lerning deepending on the style of teaching. I also lernt that the more students feel comfortable they are then able to share their own personl experiences and that also promotes learning. 


I have learnt now why some people behave th eway they do. Colors do matter in their traits. I am with the Blue color people and nto even knowing this before got it down to the T


Now I know about the true color orignator . I never knew that someone actually developed the idea. In reading I was tryin gto figure out wha tmy personality and true colors is. How interesting to be able to share this with others.

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