Dr. Blake Faulkner

Dr. Blake Faulkner

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Jennifer, All very good points. If you are leading the group how would you handle those that are close minded and not willing to listen to others points of view? Dr. Blake Faulkner
Kathy, Can you elaborate a bit on what constitutes an effective and successful decision? Dr. Blake Faulkner
Patricia, I love this approach. I would love to see your backwards planning calendar. This approach appears to drive accountability and follow-up to ensure implementation occurs. The gap between "idea" and "execution" is often significant and I think your approach helps bridge this gap. Who is responsible for what and by when are important pieces to this. Dr. Blake Faulkner
Shannon, Good points. The mission, institutional goals and core values of the institution should guide planning and decision making across the organization. Dr. Blake Faulkner
Angela, Insightful point. Those involved in operationalizing a strategy should be involved in the strategic thinking and planning processes as much as possible. Not only does this increase buy-in but in many cases those closest to those we are serving often have some of the most insightful solutions and ideas. Dr. Blake Faulkner
Carl, Good points. Intentionally allocating appropriate time to both is essential. Dr. Blake Faulkner

Elizabeth, Good point. I think in higher education we are undergoing changes that healthcare and other industries have gone through previously and continue to adapt to. I use healthcare as an example in that I see a similar balance required between improving efficiency of services while at the same time improving effectiveness and quality of care. Currently in higher education the need for both greater efficiency and effectiveness are required. Keeping student outcomes and student satisfaction (as well as those of other constituents such as employers and society as a whole) at the center of our decision making processes helps… >>>

Patricia, Higher ed is highly interdependent in regards to one functional areas dependency on others. Retention is a good example in that everyone has the ability to support improvements in student persistence. You have layed out the strategic planning process here but what other important steps in the strategic "thinking" process? Dr. Blake Faulkner
Susie, Good point. Having the "goal" or "the desired state" in mind is important in the strategic thinking process. Also,strategic thinking and coming the best plan of action requires the inputs from all stakeholders. It appears that you and your team have incorporated these important elements. Dr. Blake Faulkner
June, Hard to balance taking care of the here and now but still taking time to step back from the day to day to see the bigger picture and necessary changes in strategy. As we have more information coming at us now then ever before, increasingly important to take time to reassess previous decisions and directions more often and with flexibility as change is occuring at an accelerated rate. Dr. Blake Faulkner

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