Charles Aiken Jr

Charles Aiken Jr

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why can't we be both, motovating and fun? If we can get the student to enjoy what we bring to the class and teach the material that the course is covering will make them want to stay in class, but how is the question.
As an instructor there is a vrey fine line with this, how friendly can you be or should you be nonpersonal with the student?
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We as instructors are at a challenge with trying to have the students remain in class for the whole course, even though they don't always convay how they feel or are not understanding of the class information. There are some instructors that don't always help with this by saying the some course are the hardest ones here and this has a big impact on how the student will try in that course.

with some students motivation is very hard for them some have jobs and familey that take up a lot of thier time even with the want that they have for the school it may make it hard for them with these students I ask them what can I do to help you, with the understanding I'm not giving you a free ride but how can I make it a little bit easyer for that student. For other students it seems that they will rebut any thing that you try, these are the ones that realy need your help and these… >>>

I put it this way because you may not always see what is going on and until you can see the student in his eyes, class time may not be enjoyable for that student. some classes no matter how they are taught can and will be a challenge for some students. so seeing the class from thier eyes is a way of understanding how they feel on what is being taught. and an insight on what changes you may need to make to teach that class better.
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I understand that business is business and the bottom line is what drive it's I also understand that with out the student there we would not have a business. So with that said, retention seems harder to reach the level at witch we need to have with the way things are going in the USA. But I can say that if we can reach the students and make them aware it is a good thing for them to stay in school by asking them what goal it is that they wish reach in life. What are the things that they… >>>

First off I have and will have more of these types of students, I have tryed several differnt things but mostly I tell them up frount that I'm here to help you to be successful, I'm not here to hold your hand and tell you everythings is going to be great when in reality it's more up to the person. I tell them how some things are in the real world and what may happen even if they don't want to hear it. To some it is a shock and they are in disbelief to others they may have already… >>>

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we all fear that we can not keep students in class for one reson or another, I try to talk with each student during the course to see how I can best help them get more from my class with the students that just say I cann't make it, it sometime helps to ask why is that , what is it that makes you think you cann't make it A few will not say anything and some will say I just don't get it. I try ask where did you start to not get it or what makes it so… >>>

with some students it not that you understand them it's if they fear that you are to much of a authoritarian and they can not or will not let someone else tell them what to do or even direct them to do better. I have had some students fear that they would show weakness if they did so because of thier back ground,it would not be acceptable.
I have tryed to make sure that the student will have a good understanding of what will happen in the coming class or classes as well as what they will need for that class. I hope and feel with this information the student is better prepared for his /her next class and not be in the dark with no understanding of what is exspected of them. I also try to introduce what they will experance in the feild, I hope by doing so it will not be a shock for them when they do get out in the real world.

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