Cherie McGuire

Cherie McGuire

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Using the VIA survey in class, and 6 virtues to build healthier class.

Feelings go a long way and affect in class/out class behaviors and can be fed off each other.

To utilize and familiarize myself to PERMA

I don't have the capabilities to create at this time. No VR system.

I have a tendency of getting motion sickness when I try to use VR.

Use of VR in the special needs community.

Wide variety of students = wide variety of learning, experiences and differences.

Professionalism needs to be explained to our students.  Many of them think it is just appearance.  Showing the importance of professionalism and the value, great things will come.

Producing well rounded students makes them more desirable in the workforce.  Being able to work with groups and technology correctly are great skills.

I believe we need team work more then ever.  There is a disconnect that needs to be closed within people in all situations.

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