Feli Ruth  Ramirez

Feli Ruth Ramirez

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Each student has a prodominent learning style and would beneficial for each to be familiar which learning style is beneficial for success. The laboratory teaching environment provides students experiential learning. The strategies for lab teaching incorporates coopertive and active learning, which allows students to learn quickly and also motivates students to read the text material. 

It is education that focuses of specific skills and knowledge required to adequately perform the specific work in the real-world.

It is important to use a myriad of questions to assess student's knowledge retention and to be sure choose the most appropriate quiz and exam questions to measure higher level mastery. 

I believe that the flipped classroom model is very unique, practical and efficient way of active learning. A model that keeps student engaged in the learning process. We may have all experienced being in a lecture 30 minutes long and depending on the speaker's ability to keep the audience attention, either drift off or start to readjust ones' seat posture. The flipped classroom model, avoids this and learning is active and continuous, leaving no room for boredom. 

The components of a flipped classroom involves educated instructors who encompasses the flipped classroom model in contrast to the traditional F2F classroom as it relates to the unique format of a flexible, blended learning environment. This is done through teaching content using technological media online then hands-on in the classroom. The restructure learning environment focuses on student-centered and active learning. As this type of learning model requires much planning and knowing this important aspect will help to be prepared. 

It is found that instructors who have implemented flipped classrooms notes a decrease in failure rate and discipline problems and and increase in test scores. This deeper understanding of the course content in a flipped classroom is far from the traditional, but as with any classroom, there may be pitfalls that are being researched to improve this strategic way of learning. 

The term "flipped classroom" Is exactly that, it is an opposite of a traditional in-person classroom. It is a kind of learning experience that focuses on student involvement, as opposed to an instructor-centered teaching. The learning content is delivered via technology as pre-recorded voice or video lectures that students can replay as needed to capture the content fully before attending class to apply the learned content in-person. This concept of flipped classroom allows instructors to be a guide and to facilitate the in-person classroom with hands-on activities. The student also has a chance to teach other peers, which allows for… >>>

Knowing both how extrinsic and intrinsic motivators affects the success of students are important. As instructors, we need to help bridge help bridge the gap from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation for a successful class and learning environment. To get the students to think instead of learning as a chore or a to-do to get them desiring to learn the course or program. This part requires getting to know the students, as the first module discussed. Once we get to know the student's past experiences, the instructors can find ways to bridge the gap to how relevant the course is to… >>>

Active learning can be achieved from other sources such as the internet, library, reference materials, and other students. Successful active learning requires planning ahead and organized. 

Students with learning disabilities require additional support from the instructors and resources that can be provided by the institution written policy. Just a few of the many strategies to help students with learning disabilities are: providing a range of activities in using the application of key words, give students feedback, gain rapport with the student by learning a few words of the their language, and having students demonstrate the learned skills.

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