James Jackson

James Jackson

Location: chicago, il

About me

James is the Senior Associate at JAJ & Associates, Adjunct Faculty and eLearning Consultant at MaxKnowledge and member of the Board of Advisors of Dream Catchers Global. James was the Associate Provost of Faculty Development, President of the Online Division at Harrison College and the Director for the Center of Technology Resources for Indiana Business College. Because of his extensive background in technology and his entrepreneurial spirit and passion for assisting aspiring business owners, James has provided his leadership/project management skills in many start-up operations mentoring dozens of young leaders over his career. All providing great growth opportunities for his stakeholders.

James has developed more than 50 courses and dozens of programs in the areas of technology, business, progress management and general education. James has been an instructor for more than 15 years during which time he provided training to over 500 trainers and more than 5000 students. His academic background includes a Masters of Education in Occupational Training and Development and is currently working on his doctoral dissertation in Higher Education Administration emphasis on Strategic Enrollment Management. James enjoys working with students and assisting them through complex concepts which he is able to turn into easy to understand and usable skills.

A full profile of my professional career is available on LinkedIn:


Connect with me on LinkedIn and here in the Lounge.


my family, golf, tennis, swimming, and participating in youth sports.


faculty development, elearning, program and curriculum development, project management, business analysis and technology integration


Robin, what a great example of an intrinsic value. Intrinsic motivation is inherently more powerful than any extrinsic factors. James Jackson
Kenneth, well stated and a very important message for all instructors. Thankh for sharing. James Jackson
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Erica, great post and an important topic. Years of research by The Pacific Institute and as stated by Dr. Joe Pace, it can take 11 positives to make up for a single negative so we as instructors need to surround our students with as much positive energy and reinforcement as possible. For some students the only positive experience they may encounter in an entire day is their time with us in our classrooms. James Jackson
Stacy, text anxiety is normal and another focus area to consider is to monitor for different learning disorders. If you mix up your testing methodology so offer more than just paper tests then you can also measure if different assessment tools bring out the knowledge level of different students in different ways. James Jackson
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Leticia, well stated and emphasizes the importance of getting to know our students. The more we know about their understanding of any given topic the better we can build gateways towards the knowledge we want them to acquire. Learning is a bit of a maze and the more we know about the starting point the better we can guide them to the finish line. James Jackson
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Robert, what a great affirmation of the importance of positive reinforcement. The more we as instructors can provide a safe and secure structure for learning the more our students can grab hold and grow. Thanks for sharing. James Jackson
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Donna, journals are great learning tools. Both for students as they reflectively write and for instructors who read with a critical eye. Both sides are able to learn from each other and then enter this knowledge back into the curriculum to allow for a continual improvement process. Thanks for sharing. James Jackson
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Tami, what conversations do you engage with your students on the first day of class? Do students walk away with a clear understanding of your expectations and do you walk away with a clear understanding of theirs? James Jackson
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Todd, great post and gets to the heart of the difference between a good instructor and a great instructor. Great instructors understand their role in the overall process of learning and it is more than just lecturing to a lesson plan. Great instructors get to know their students and use this knowledge to build bridges that bring together the gaps of knowledge within our students. James Jackson
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Carmen, well stated and this is a critical role for our institutions. Some students do not have any safe learning environments outside of their classrooms and therefore need these safe havens to nurture their interest in learning and learning now to learn. James Jackson

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