Linda  Gordon

Linda Gordon

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It also should be noted that receptive language develops first, and expressive language will tend to lag, so a student may understand more than they can express verbally (or in writing which is a literacy skill). 

Every student and every instructor is different, and that difference is more than a single identifiable membership to a group. People have multiple identities and the intersection of those identities creates their unique world view. When stereotypes are allowed to be the lens we look through, we diminish that person, and limit who they are, because no stereotype is every complete. I consider understanding diversity to be a lifelong challenge, as nobody can fully understand how another person sees the world so we need to be open to learning from others, even our students, all the time. 

I am getting closer to teaching my students how to properly use ChatGPT. I feel that it is a tool that will not disappear so it is time to integrate it into learning. However, I am also very concerned that students will use AI to to the foundational thinking about topics and never learn to organize material themselves. What would happen if a student never organized a basic essay themselves? 

Good managers are also good leaders. In addition to organizing and troubleshooting, they motivate and create a workspace that employees care about. 

How can admissions ensure that students read and understand the documents they are expected to acknowledge? Is there a rule that these documents must be provided in the student's first language if they are ESL students or request it? 

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I have always believed that the best educators are reflective educators. The only way to reach diverse and ever-changing students is to constantly reflect on how the material, presentation, activities, and assessments are going. When a student is not successful or not engaged, why? What are the possible and probable causes? Can they be mitigated? I cannot imagine ending a lecture and not mulling over how things went that day, and considering how to make them better. Even when I teach two sections of the same class on the same day, I tend to change things up a little from… >>>

I have a pretty strong line of communication with my students and in some sections, they are active participants. My two frustrations are first the occasional section of a course that does not want to hold discussions, and second, the students who do not read directions. I have one very active course and another section of the same course with a totally different vibe. They do not like to discuss, and in breakout rooms there is often somebody who will not/cannot participate. It seems to be luck of the draw with the personalities in the classroom and the best I… >>>

Rubrics should be reasonable lengths. I was given, by a university, a 49 element rubric. There was no way that this was a useful tool. 


I tend to have a range of points for each criterion and now I am rethinking - does that make it too subjective? On the other hand, there are often "perfect" and "close to perfect" results that would seem to be different and need the range of points. I hate to pull 5 points just because of one small error. 


I use rubrics all the time, but a good reminder that they are not self-explanatory to the students and no matter how specific, should be explained. 


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