Our main achievemnet as instructors, is for all students regardless of backgound, to feel inclusive and capable of learning according to their needs in a safe and espectfull enviorment.
How to apply holistic assessment as an instructor, every student is different and has different ways of learning. Acknowledging, each person as an individual. Creating an inclusive enviroment and showing interest in each one needs.
The strategies mentioned in this module no only help PTSD and TBI students, but every student in the class. Respect, dedication, and understanding the learning abilities of each one as an individual. A respectful and friendly enviroment will enhance the learning experience.
This module was very helpful in ways to help students with special needs, help the to feel confortable, fit, and understanding the best ways to help them in their learning process and social skills. Complying with ADA and, emphaty, emphaty, emphaty
The difference beteween PSDT and TBI, how it can affect an individual and how to recognize each condition. Theier possible casues and consecuences.
The way resarch has evolved in understanding PTSD and how to recognize the signs of the condition as to deal with it with understanding and empathy.
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