Marilyn Renfroe

Marilyn Renfroe

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Multiple evaluations will accomodaite various needs of the student learner.

Reply to Sarah Walters's post: Sara I agree that our students need multiple learning resources to meet their learning expectations.


Submitted by: Marilyn Renfroe

Providing feedback allows the student learner to determine areas of self-improvement. A rubric demystifies by making it easier and clearer for students to learn.


Submitted by:Marilyn Renfroe


It is impertive that your online syllabus is engaging and allows the student learner to naviagate with ease, Scaffolding allows students to move progressively throughout the course with confidence. 


Submitted by: Marilyn Renfroe


Reply to Kevin Short's post: I agree Kevin that modules are easier to follow if the format is consistent. Since most people attention span is somewhat short, chunking assignments would definiely be the preferred form of delivery. 


Submitted by: Marilyn Renfroe

Reply to Rose Elam's post: I agree Rose that communication provides an effective learning environment for the student. The lack thereof will hender the line of communication between all parties.

Submitted by: Marilyn Renfroe


Synchronous and asynchronous Reply to Elizabeth Kinney's post:I agree that understanding the difference between these two learning styles,  as well as setting discussion guidelines makes for a more engaging and robust discussion.


Submitted by: Marilyn Renfroe


A bio of the instructor can provide the student learner with knowledge base that the teacher has the proper creditials and experience to provide the necessary instuction and guidiance required to master the given subject matter.


Submitted by: Marilyn Renfroe


To appropriately relate content and subject matter to the student learner, it is incumbent that I have have a comprehensive and current understanding of using learning systems to facilitate the conveying information to the student.


By Marilyn Renfroe

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