Roxanne Hinds

Roxanne Hinds

Location: fresno, ca


communication, meditation, movies


public speaking, college adjunct instructor, media and technology.


Walking students through the eductional features of the LMS helps them see the big picture

It is essential for faculty to be knowledgeable about the LMS

Although I have used rubrics for years, in this module i learned how essential they are for student success and learner understanding of the goals for the assignment. 

It can be very helpful in removing biases. 

Objective assessments have a right or wrong answer. Th subjective allows the student to use more high-level thinking in their response. 

This module reinforced that assessment is a tool for the instructor to learn from about the course and the teaching. The evaluation is focused on finding out what the learner has gotten from the lesson and grading.

Since there are tools for specific outcomes, one must select the tool with the end in mind. 

Getting student feedback is very important to accessing the tool and the student. 

I have already posted two comments to this discussion

Different tools will reveal a variety of outcomes.

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