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Should instructors be evaluated base on their skills or how the classroom work in lab.

What I hope is looked at is that student evaluations of teachers is but one of 3 or 4 methods used to determine the effectiveness of performance. Others would be classroom observation, supervisor observation, peer review, self evaluation, etc.

Regards, Barry

I think instructors evaluation can be biased at times. For example if there are a small amount of students in a classroom and one student disagrees that severly affects overall percentage. In addition if a student had been penalized whether for an assignment, attendance etc.. which they didnt agree with it, some will take this out on the instructors evalation in their way of getting back. Therefore i think its biased. However it also serves as a good purpose in some sense making sure instructors are doing their job.

Hi Tracy-Ann:
Evaluation can be as varied as the institution deems appropriate. Getting as many "inputs" would provide the best indicator of performance. For instance, feedback from students, peers, classroom and lab observations, self evaluation, alignment with institutional goals, etc. Being open to suggestions for improvement and a willingness to change can really make a difference in your performance.

Regards, Barry

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