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Online test

I provide a number of ways to take the test. In class and online. We take the test in class without notes. If they are satisfied with their grade that is the grade they will get. If not they can take the online test during their own time as many times as they want with or without notes. I will take the average of the two test, in class without notes and on their own online for their grade. In the event they were absent or have to take a make up I take off 30% of the online grade they receive. What you you think of this method? I figure the repetition of taking the test will instill terms and the like.

I not only like it, but I've practiced this very technique many times. It's like I'm using the testing instrument as an instructional instrument. The only thing I vary is the maximum amount of credit a student can receive from the repeated, open-note version of the test. But the concept is a good one, and I'm glad to hear others have discovered it's value.

Barry Westling

I tried the online method and it worked extremely well. This has definitely been my go-to for the traditional student. For the non-traditional student, I still offered the option of paper because they expressed concern.

Does anyone have experience with online exams and non-traditional students?

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