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Preparing yourself for classroom

I like to come to school early just so I can relax and gather all the materials I will need for the class. I also make sure that I make copies of PowerPoints for the student and since we are in the computer class the students have access to the Powerpoints while I am lecturing and they may write their notes and also it is very easy for me to move around the class.

When we are working with a medical software or the CMS 1500 application, I have the medical software or a claim form on the big screen so it is easy for the students to follow the lecture.

I love teaching in the computer lab because I am able to use different methods and styles to make sure I keep the students interest high.

Hi Marlo:
Great example of preparation. There is no substitute.

When teachers take the time to prepare it shows the students that you care about their succes. In a way, you can be a role model of how they might prepare for their own jobs.

But the time, effort, thought, and planning you put in makes the class run smoother, more relaxed, and probably more enjoyable and interesting to your students.

Regards, Barry

I feel much more confident when I am fully and completely prepared for each class session. I know that I have in mind what I want to do and that there will be no "down time" or "lag time". I feel this really allows the students to get the most information out of each class session that they can.

Students watch the instructors to see if they are prepared for the class. Make sure your prepared you are setting an example for them when they go out to the field

I try to make sure that I am fully prepared each day before demonstrations. After all set up is done, I mentally run through each step of the demonstration to make sure nothing if forgotten and that all equipment is set and available before class begins.

Hi Marc:
Your preparation will pay off. You have more time should a few students arrive early and have questions. You'll have time to get that extra part if it's needed. In the end, a smooth, calm and relaxed atmospher is created and that is usually transfered to to the students as well.

Regards, Barry

Being completely prepared gives you more confidence in the class room.

Hi Robert:
I think confidence comes from competence - they usually go together. Confidence the students have in their instructors abilities also results from thorough preparation.

Regards, Barry

Hi Elizabeth:
In this situation, we're talking about stress of the instructor!

As instructors, we can decrease the level of potentioal stress we feel by being adequately prepared.

Another trick may be involve having back up plans to bring out if we find ourselves losing a group due to unpreparedness.

Regards, Barry

Hi Laura:
Preparation is key to make sure we as instrutors don't send the wrong message to the student.

What a negative impact to the relationship with the class if by virtue of appearing disorganized, we sent the message "I don't care".

Regards, Barry

I always arrive at least a half hour early so that I can get all my handouts organized and I start writing the discussion points on the board. I review the entire chapter(s) the night before to ensure that I am covering everything that is required.

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