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Chalk/White Boards

One thing that spoils my day is walking in to a classroom with an unlceaned board. I like a clean board beacuse it signals to the class that we are ready to start a new day, a new lesson, a new challenge.

The students know that I have a little corner on the board where I write the activities for that day. Also having the date on the board ensures that their homework and quizzes and tests are all dated correctly and also with them referring to their calendars they know what is due for that day.

I try to place boarders so I don't accidentally erase or write too close to it. Colored markers help a lot in explaining topics to the students and it also helps student better what I am trying to explain to them.

I write big enough so the students at the back will be able to see. I try to write in bullet points so students do not get overwhlemed and also they can go back to the book if they need to review the topic.

I also try to stay on the side to make sure I do not block the writing on the board.

Hi Marlo:
Boy, you've got the white board down to a science!. Acutally, according to Stephen Covey (7-Habits author), what we do repeatedly (i.e., habit), is realted to excellence. Great suggestionsfor all to consider doing.

I'm a very active board guy myself. I write a daily quote across the top, daily agenda on the side, and box in essential words, equations, or information. I'm fortunate that I get to use two 4X8 white boards side by side. So even if pull down the screen (for overhead or PPT), i still hae writing space on either side.

Use of color adds emphasis and is more interesting.

Regards, Barry

A chalk or white board to me represents an interactive classroom where an instructor adding student ideas and input. This is becoming a lost art in many training scenarios.
As a student, it is always special to see your idea go up on the board and what if it is the one that gets the checkmark or the cirlce around it.
The video that was presented with this lesson was spot on and represents a learning environment that I'd like to re-create.
Excellent points,


I totally agree with you about the usage of the white board and dry erase markers. For me, writing and drawing on the board is the most effective way to enhance my lecture. Drawing very fast to show the meaning of my lecture is one of the advantages I have used through my teaching years. I can easily find out how my students react toward my instant visual aids. Sometimes, the little cartoons I draw can even bring an interesting atmosphere to my classroom. I'll continue to use them in the future with other devices in my classroom.

Hi Shane:
I'm a very active white board person too. I've learned a bit about cartooning, and I once had an interest in drafting, so I guess these latent skills come out in my lecture.

Regards, Barry

Hi Kent:
Some teachers are especially talented or creative with these simple tools. But, they are tools, designed for a job, and a thing of beuty can blossom from a craftsman using the right tools.

Regards, Barry

I like to have what we will be covering up on the board when class starts.

I like to draw on the white board simple diagrams of body physiology. I use simple shapes to guide the students how they can diagram these things in their notes. Sometimes looking a a professional diagram the students don't know how to begin to add it to their notes.

I think it is important to have "sections" on your board. Such as:
1. Class hours/breaks/room numbers
2. Assignments
3. Expectations
4. Daily In-Class Assignments

I always have this statement written on my board as a personal challenge to my students:

I will teach you,
IF you will listen....

I will show you,
IF you will participate...

I will give of myself,
so you may give to OTHERS...

I will...will YOU???

PMA-Positive Mental Attitude!!

Hi Connie:
One effective use of the white board is giving daily outline of the class.

Often, in a discussion, an idea needs certain words or terms emphasized or explained, or ideas simplified beyond what words cab convey and the whiteboard is great for that as well.

Another great use of wjhiteborad is to accompany overhead or PPT slide displays becuse it provides a method to dialog, discuss, ponder, question, or reinforce the message in the slides.

It takes "telling students information" to teaching or facilitating their learning.

Regards, Barry

I agree Kent!! I use white boards as well as powerpoint presentations in my classroom too. I try to make it as interactive as possible with the students as well. Before I begin a chapter, I write a topic on the board and then have the students come up and write down one short phrase or word that comes to their mind when they see this topic. I am amazed at the responses they write down. Believe me when I tell you we have many great discussions after this activity.

I also prefer white boards. The students like having notes and assignments always on the whiteboard, and they actually are upset if someone erases their messages. I have found it very helpful to have students use the whiteboard as well. It makes them feel like they are really interacting in the classroom, and some students have remarked that it makes concepts easier for them to grasp.

Hi Michael:
White boards can be used effectively for illustrations. Without even having strong artistic skills, an instructor can draw a picture about the topic that may make more sense to visual learners.

Regards, Barry

Hi Kathleen:
Right! White boards can be such a handy tool for quick illustrations. I find that the instructor does not even really need to be a super artist to get the point across.

Regards, Barry

I have not seen this philosophy written before, even though it should be a basis for every class. This is very good reasoning to offer students the idea that education is not only the instructor's job, but the student's responsibility. Thanks.

The white board is essential for me to show the students how to solve math problems, to help them with any HW questions they have and to provide announcements. I don't use Powerpoints in the classroom because I prefer to show them how to solve Math problems on the white board.

Hi Beth:
For some students, the act of writing notes that you are putting on a white board actually reinforces the learning. This is a version of "kinesthetic" learning, even if they aren't getting up and doing anything specific.

Regards, Barry

My white board always has my name, course number, the date, objective for today and tomorrow, weather report for today and tomorrow, and the baseball scores for both the Yankees and Red Sox (when in season) from previuos night's game. I also make it point to have a spotless whiteboard, especially since the powerpoint is broadcast on it.

Hi Nathan:

This is a great way to get the students involved in the discussion, definitely a fun way of making the class more robust.

Regards, Barry

Hi Henry:

Wowsers! That's a lot of fun information to present to the students. I think using the whiteboard for an activity that involves the student getting up out of their chairs and coming up to it can be an effective way for them to retain information.

Regards, Barry

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