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Prezi instead of power-point?

Has anyone used Prezi instead of Power-Point? I made two and would like to use them more.

Prezi offers advantages over the PPT format. While PPT tends to present information in a linear format, Prezi offers the opportunity to skip around, with emphasis where the flow of discussion is most vauable at the moment. There are lots of training modules available (some free, some require payment) on the internet. I would suggest the question to ask (as with all media choices) is how best can I convey and transfer the information to my students that will assist their learning.

Barry Westling

Would definately like to learn more about using this.

Like anything, Prezi just takes practice. And like PPT, formatting appropriately for the classroom takes care to assure the emphasis is on the information rather than the delivery method.

Barry Westling

Prezi is a great presentation tool that allows the instructor to show students the big picture and how all the parts tie together in a non-linear way. Prezi is also new to most students educated on power point slides and so still has that wow factor when used in a class.
But do not lock yourself into one style of presenting. World class martial artist will tell you that the best style is to have no style. No style keeps the adversary off guard and makes it harder for them to find a weakness. I always remember that when I am teaching a class. Presentation methods should vary depending on the subject you are teaching, the class size, the time of day, the age of the student etc.
Use what will work best for that moment.

Very good points. What you're saying is time, effort, and thought need to go into the preparation of every class, discussion, or class activity. It's been said, "failure to plan is planning to fail". And I can humbly say I have learned that principle the hard way -- experience.

Barry Westling

I agree with your idea on the no style.
I used Prezi for something simple.
All the presentation tools can be use for making students to be force in lecture!

I think good instructors always consider their audience, the level of prior learning, and access to resources and media. With thoughtful planning, mediocre class sessions can be transformed into very interesting and engaging learning experiences. The key is to keep the audience in mind when planning, and in the delivery of course material.

Barry Westling

I find I am able to write a prezi much faster than a PPT. I also like that I can set links to youtube and zoom in on charts without getting out of my prestation.

Prezi does offer a unique alternative to PPT. With either presentation tool, the degree of detail and information, and the intended audience seem to determine which tool is best for a given lesson.

Barry Westling

I was just introduced to this tool in my last Political Science course. A student used it because it is free, whereas she did not have access to a Power Point program on her personal computer and couldn't afford it. I personally found the program refreshingly non-linear. The way it showed connections and flow really was effective and such a nice change from PPT. None of my other students were aware of the program, so it did generate interest immediately due to the unusual format. I love PPT, but I am definitely going to explore Prezi this session. Has anyone found any negative aspects to the Prezi presentations? Also, for PPT users, you can embed YouTube videos in your PPT by converting them to AVI files with a YouTube file converter like ClipConverter. It gives that seamless interaction with clips in your PPT presentations.
Thank you,
Melville Petrosky

I like Prezi because it allows me to drill down into a topic, then return to a prior subcategory, and drill down a companion subcategory, very linear. I think the potential for better interactive discussions and lectures can occur with Prezi.

Barry Westling

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