Here is one place I feel the rub - class time. In my program the amount of time per term has been dropped by 20% since I began teaching 22 years ago. Of course, the expected level of content to be mastered has not dropped - if anything its expanded. I already feel pressure to get through the content in the time allotted (before loss of snow days, of course!). At any rate, while in the theoretical realm I agree with things like pretests, its difficult to find the time, to be frank.
A pre-test can assist in not only understanding the educational levels that the students are, but also it will assist you in being to tailor the course to their understanding. Hopefully this will help during those times, (snow days) so that the time available is being used productively.
I, too, find pretests to be a wate of time. I never assume that all students coming into the class are familiar with the prerequisite information, despite having passed the last class. When I begin each new topic, I briefly review the previous material. The review helps even the prepared students, and it helps me figure out who made it through the last class without really learning as much as they should have. I then can target those students and offer tutoring to get them caught up.
My pretesting is to sit the student down at the computer and start them on a typing tutor program. Keyboard and mouse skills are demonstrated up front. After that it's keep an eye open and see what happens. My series of courses have no prerequisites, students of all ages, educational levels, and skill sets. I can't usually tailor my course; I have to adjust to each student.
I feel a pre-test is a great tool to use. I know it is a great tool in our review class that is offered at the end of the students schooling. It shows me what I need to focus more on to help the pass their national testing and what I can spend less time on.
Pre testing a student helps see what a student knows before you start teaching them. This give you the opportunity to see exactly where your student are and what they know. Then you will be better prepared to teach the whole class. I've learned that most of my student are on different levels. Now the instructor will be better equiped for teaching the class.
I agree pre-testing alows students to prepare in areas where they are weak..
I agree that it helps to determine the direction and intensity of the class progression.