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Having clear objectives help provide clear understanding of what is expected to accomplish in class

Knowing the objectives and how it relates to the lessen plan will make the transition smoother for the students.


I realize that understanding the taxonomy of learning will enable me to develop my lesson plans, objectives, and standards. 

It's also helpful to share with other instructors.  I keep my lesson plans generic to allow for tweaking purposes to go with the change of learners each module. 

Knowing the state and local standards are key to creating a good lesson plan helpful to aim students in thr right direction as we teach. Good content in this unit. 

Lesson plans are written together with the objectives chosen for a specific course. Objectives are intended to be measurable, specific and concise giving the students an idea of what they will learn and the skills they will develop. You should set standards to increase their abitlity to perform while conducting assessments to measure a student's progress toward meeting the set standards

Objectives insure that the material you are teaching is providing what the student needs.  They need to know what you've taught, understand it, and be able to implement it in a practical sense.

In this lesson I learned the importance of writing precise objectives, which can resonate with students, and provide surety to what they should be learning. I also learned abut the importance of standards, which ensure students learn to the proper fidelity of of intended learning and/or performance, especially to learn to the level of outside entities' expectations with regards to licensing.

I have personally found that both the course and individual lesson objectives need to be clear, concise, and easily understood by students.

I've used objectives and built course themes that feed off the objectives in order to constantly reiterate the importance of the the content to the objectives. 

Objectives need to be specific in order to provide students with an accurate picture of what they will learn. Objectives are important to drive the focus of your course.

This section was helpful because it broke down how we need to break down our goals for the lesson, how a student can identify if they have reached those goals, and explain the lesson directly relates to the professional application of the new skills.

Write objectives and read them back to yourself.  Do they answer A,B,C,D?  Are they measurable? Are they specific?  Do they meet the intent of student learning? 

Knowing the standards is guidelines to help you know what to teach and how much.

Rationale, objectives, and standards are all important elements of your lesson plan.  They need to be integrated and mutually supportive so that your teaching can meet the educational goals of the course and the institution.

If you have clear concise objectives and rationale, the standards and procedures will be more readily written as you have created a framework for developing

The importance and different kinds of standards

Developing lesson plans based on the standards of the course curriculum is paramount.

Clearly defined objectives

You have to define particular objectives and not vague goals, the students must obtain them. 

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