Getting my students involved
My biggest goal in class is to get my student involved in class on the first day . I feel that if you break the ice and start asking them simple questions from day one it sets the pace for the entire course.
Hi Kelly,
This sets the tone that this will be an active class with everyone participating. This way the students know that they are expected to contribute at different times throughout the course.
I agree getting them involved the first day sets a standard for the rest of the semester. By asking them questions makes them think and partcipate in the class. I also think group activities and discussions is a great way to get students involved.
Hi Raquel! Grab their attention! If you can engage them in the first 30 seconds, change the lecture stimulus every 7 to 10 minutes, and check occasionally for understanding, you may find that most are aboard.
Jay Hollowell
As a new instructor I often wonder what is the best way to get the students involved in any lecture. I would like my students to be active listeners, rather than warm bodies in a chair. As an observer in many training and classroom setting I find that the trainer/instructor is in a hurry to get their information out with a care to whether I am grasping the materials. This is what I want to avoid at all costs.
This can be a challenge depending on the students expectations as they enter the course. When I teach very technical material it's helpful to give the students your personal experience with the subject matter. Then introduce the WIFM (What's in it for me)so they can see the value in the process. Then introduce practice activities (Hands On Demonstrations) using the specific course material. Finally, let the students test their learning and understanding by doing pertinent lab tasks over the course material.
Thank you this is a good idea. There is so much material to cover in nursing one must narrow it done to pertinent information; most importantly the pateint diagnosis and the nursing interverntions that the nurse must perform safely and accurately. Quizzes will allow them recall and to hopefully retain the subject matter.
Asking questions is beneficial, however, teaching nursing requires the students to read prior to lecture. I have also integrated quizes on the reading to spur the students to come prepared.
I agree and also believe we should not overlook the lab as another area to ask and present questions for and to the student. Much learing can take place in the lab while proforming tasks or modeling the activity...I use to even assign the students in a particular group to be parts of the engine management system and then ask how they should respond...It really gets them to role play with the system and see why things work the way they do rather than just have to accept it because the book or someone else said it was so. Seeing and interaction creates learning...we ignite the candle and the ideas will burn brightly.
I believe that if you involve all students and ask questions of all students they are more apt to pay attention, since they don't know when they"ll be next.
Student involvement is very key in bringing the student "into" the class and not just into the "classroom".
Different students will respond differently as efforts are made to bring them in, but at some point in time they will respond.
I find that asking a lot of questions during a lecture challenges the students to pay attention and and to think about the scenerio being presented.