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I agree that establishing a professional image in the classroom environment is a key success factor. Many students show respect to the instructor when this image is displayed.

Yes, they do because that person is their learning leader and has worked to earn their trust and respect. It is a building process from there in terms of rapport and professional imaging.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I have found this to be the case as well, Mary. It's been my experience as a relatively young (and even younger-looking) instructor that appearing professional in the classroom is key to getting respect and attention. I wonder how this experience varies between men and women.


At my level, which is college kids, it is important to appear professional but it is more important to have the technical knowledge and back it up with samples of your personal work. students in this new age of social media, tend to do and execute many times at a very high level of knowledge. They participate in blogs, groups, beta testers, photography, video, news gathering, etc. and as a professor, it is my opportunity to encourage them to continue doing it, but also to do it well. Bringing your personal experiences as a professional tends to give you lots of credibility and brings professionalism to a new level.

Thank you for these comments on how to enhance the engagement of students using the communication formats they are accessing in their personal lives and can use in their professional lives. This is a blend that is working well in classrooms and labs throughout the country.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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