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Day One

I find it very difficult to fit in introductions on day one especially with the amount lecture and chapters that need to be covered. I tend to cover the syllabus, go over rules, etc. then jump right into lecture. I will try to set aside more time on day one to implement some "get to know you" time.

I allways introduce myself and give brief information of my experience on day one. Since there is so many students in class we go over syllabus, expectations, etc., and as I lecture, I ask opening questions to stimulate student discussion and I start to get to know them during this time.

I always introduce myself the first day. I do handout the syllabus and go over the expectations and gameplan of the course

I have found that the more time you spend up front about expectations, the less problems you will have during the semester. I also give them a fair amount of time to answer questions to allay any potential fears or false assumptions they may have.

Day one is always exciting because it is like an ice-breaker.

What type of ice breakers do you use during your first class meeting?

I think day one must be half lecture half "get to know you"

I asked students to introduce themselves. I also asked them to tell the class on why they have to take the class.

I think it is extremely important to introduce myself and allow the students to introduce themselves. The rapport setting helps to formulate a community of learners.

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