One of the suggestions I read in this module for helping instructors to remember student names was to take pictures of them.
Would all students feel comfortable with that? It seems a bit questionable. How do others feel about this?
I too thought that sounded a little strange and even invasive. I don't think I would like for that to happen if I was a student, and I think there would definitely be some who would not be comfortable with that. I have made the students put their names on their desks the first few classes, and once I got to know them I didn't have any problem with their names (and I am quite bad with names).
Good use of a great resource. This really helps you make the connection between picture, name and student.
Dr. Gary Meers
This is a great idea for instructors to get to know who's who in the class. I have the students sign a photo release waiver on the first day of class. Another strategy that I use without them really knowing, is I get a copy of their ID badges. If they get them done on the first day of class, I have a color copy printed. It works out great. Additionally, I keep it with the class files, and at times, especially when they graduate, I need a reminder of what they looked like.
This is only one strategy that an instructor could use. There are many other strategies that could be used as memory aides. My students don't mind the pictures at all, in fact they joke and kid with each other as the pictures are taken so it ends up being an ice breaker as well.
The key is to "read" your students and get a feel for what is the most appropriate course of action in something like this.
Dr. Gary Meers