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knowing the class

How do you know that your teaching deliver is being received by the students?

I use student feedback. I give my students 3X5 cards and ask them to give me feedback on the lecture, project or what ever other activity I want feedback on. The students do not sign the cards so I get candid feedback. Also, stopping during lecture sessions to check for understanding is a great way to see if they are getting the key concepts.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I agree with student feedback, as long as you follow course guidelines and syllabus, and are engaging students in cirriculum than i feel they will be enthusatic to learn and exceptwhat you are teaching and receptive to how you teach, thus giveing you a great teaching delivery.

Passion for one's field and enthusiasm for teaching goes a long way in helping students to become involved in the course and value what is being offered.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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