Adjusting Delivery to Match learning style
How does one approach a diverse class of many learning styles to achieve a successful delivery and reception of information? Should we divide in blocks of time addressing each individual style or do some styles blend allowing for a more reasonable time frame?
"You can't please all of the people all of the time, but you sure can please some of the people some of the time!"
This is somewhat a motto, in which I follow in my classroom. I am a history instructor at a design school. Most of my students are either visual or kinesthetic learners. I try different methods each week to introduce and solidify new information for students in my class. Usually, I begin with a powerpoint presentation to address the Visual learner. Next, we discuss questions in small groups for Auditory learners. Lastly, I have students write their answers on large sheets of paper to present the information to the class (a white board works fine, too) to address Kinesthetic, Written Word, Visual, and Auditory learners. Students rarely find a dull moment in my classes, as they are constantly moving around and obtaining information in different ways. It seems to work for them, and as a Visual Teacher/ Learner, it works for me!
Very excellent approach, I am going to try this
Thank You
In my fashion design class,What I do the first day of class is talk briefly to the students about different styles of learning and I get them to tell me what works better for them.Usually the majority are visual /amd kinesthetic and I am Highly written. Then I explain how the different types of learning relate to the design industry. After that I tell them about some interesting "in class" assignments that we will do during the course that I have developed especially for students like them . They are usually excited to do the work because they know that I developed something just for them even though it was outside of my comfort zone.