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Challenges incorporating different styles

I am a culinary instructor in the school restaurant. I find it difficult to incorporate different styles of learning because the very nature of the class is demo/hands-on.
In order to cover different learning styles, I have begun implementing mandatory 'daily prep lists' generated by the students for each station. In creating these, the students must mentally walk through the work, prioritize, and begin to get a grasp on the overall weight of the work load.
I also assign, to each station group, the creation of a new dish for the next season's menu. If the item is chosen, their names will appear on the printed menu, which is a real honor! In addition, I post a "final exam review" document on the student portal that asks questions and covers topics they will need to adequately review for the test. This works much better than the verbal review I used to do, the students can print it earlier in the rotation, have a written guide to refer to, and frees up about an hour of class time.

Hi Gina- welcome to ED 103! You're correct - with some disciplines hands-on/demo works best, but you have come up with some creative ways to engage the other styles as well as enticing your kinesthtic folks to try using the other styles. As they move into their careers they will be needing to use those skills in addition to their hands-on culinary skills - well done! Best wishes - Susan

I too instruct in the restaurant of a culinary program. We try to deliver the same information in as many ways as possible: verbal, off the cuff, quizzing for exam review coupled with written categories for review; written procedures for stations, verbal introduction, and step by step demonstration following the written procedural.

The combination of delivery methods mostly works but there are still many students who struggle.

Hi Connal - Welcome to Ed 103! You are doing a good job of teaching to the learning styles - great work! Best wishes - Susan

the school that i work at keeps the lab grades seperate from the class grades.the problem i am having is that the powerpoint lectures go into much greater detail than the lab exercises makes the tests difficult for the hands on learners.

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