Hi Ben - Thanks for your post to the forum. Students are often their own toughest critics. As you mention, when they realize where they are not doing well they often begin to work harder. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan
Student self-assessments allow career colleges understand whether their approach is working. Students come to career college to get to their goal faster.
Hi Melissa- Thanks for your post to the forum. I think that what is more important about student self asessment is that it lets the students see for themselves how well they are doing. Often they have either been overestimating or underestimating that. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan
In our setting, we have smaller classrooms. The smaller student to teacher ratio allows us the opportunity to involve the students more than most settings. By involving them in the assessment process I feel I can get better feedback on my lesson plans. In addition, there is a great amount of satisfaction with the student on the progression of the block.
I believe the best use of a student's self-assessment is in directing them to the right programs. I have discovered through my years of teaching that students are often unrealistic about their own potential, performance, and abilities - sometimes to the negative and even to the positive. Self-assessments could be used within individual classes to determine such things as whether more study time is needed, tutoring, etc. However, I would have to do much more thinking and possible research to determine whether a student's self-assessment would/could change the course of my instruction.
Self assessments can be used effectively because it alerts the instructor to whether or not the students are comprehending the curriculum designed for that particular class period. Also in career college settings it is the instructor's goal to make sure the information is applicable to the students career. Since a career college is geared to helping a student's career it is essential that self assessments are used so again as instructors we make sure the information is applicable to their current or desired field and to make sure the curriculum can be used by the student in their present professions.
using students to assess other students can validate how well or not a student is understanding the course material. I have noticed peer pressure in a positive way is good for the overall learning process. You have to be careful to asess your student because they may not take well to other students critique them. The other students may also come with another aspect in which you didn't think of because they have a different point of view.
Hi Matthew- Thanks for your post to the forum. Peer pressure can be a strong force, so knowing that their peers will be assessing them as well can be a strong motivator for giving 100%. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan
I like to use self-assesment tests as well as personality tests and communication tests. It gives them an idea of things they think they know about themselves and things they may not and how can improvements be made. I also have the students evaluate each other to create team building and learn something about yourself through someone else's eyes.
Student self-assessments can let the instructor know what information is or is not being understood.
A student self-assessment should provide each student with a gauge of where they are in the learning process and should identify the areas where they need to focus.
I really don't know, I never used them.
self-assessment learning tools help the students that are honest with themslves know what they need to go back and review: example if the student quiz his or her self on the material that was thought in class and realize that they did not retain the information. It would be a great time to review the material that they did not retain.
These assessments not only help the students to track their progress through the expected material, but also prepare them for self-evaluation critical in excelling in the actual workplace setting.
it is an immediate way to know if the student needs help with the material.
Joseph: Your method would work so well with "quiet" students who are afraid to speak up in class. I agree that the "light bulb" going on moment is the best!
Matthew: I use students assessing students with presentations. I also ask that the students grade their group anonymously. It allows me to see when someone in the group is not participating, or whether the presentation was interesting. Sometimes the ones I like, the students do not. It also makes them feel like they are part of the "grading" process!
It allows the student to be an active participant in this area. It can bring an awareness to them that the teacher might not be able to.
Student self assessments can be used if the school participates in an internship program or just by allowing the student to reflect on thier progress through the course. An example would be for reading assignments I give my class I have them come up with 10 questions they may have about the reading or 10 comments or things they have learned. This gives them an oppurtunity to ask questions they may be afraid to ask in class or gives them an idea of thier understanding of the course content and can also be used as a study guide.
Hi Andrew- Thanks for your post to the forum. Your requirement to come up with questions about the reading asignments also ensures that your students actually read the assignments! Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan