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I agree. I think different learning styles should be explored and tried through out each course. It very interactive. Great Post!

Hi Steven, Thanks for your post to the forum. I really like that "Team" approach! Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

In the clinical setting we give the students a self assesment to complete at the end of every module, it helps us to identify how they feel about their skills so we can give a better feedback about their performance and advice based on what we see and also based on how they feel.

Hi Olga, Thanks for your post to the forum. That timely feedback gives you and the students good direction for moving forward.
Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

Self assessments are a great college level tool especially for technical colleges. In healthcare, yearly evaluations have a self assessment component so this is great preparation. Self assessment requires the student to look inward and evaluate their own progress. Then the student can decide on their method of improvement or progress.

I believe it is a very good tool to get a baseline of how the students are reacting to the course content

A self assessment would give the student chance tobe honest with themselves and see if what they consider achievement stacks up to an assessment made by the instructor.

I agree with using student self-assessment tool as a learning tool. It is a great tool to assess students learning styles and points out their learning deficiencies. It allows both the student and the instructor to find instructional support to aidand improve in the learning process.

In health care education a real life scenerio can be used in a lab setting. We give the students a chance to assess and treat a patient using the skills they have learned. We then ask them to self-assess what steps they took to help the patient and cover any missed options or care strategies.

I think short student self-assessments could be used help format the types of different questions explained in ED114.  This would help instructors becaome better and help students retain/recall more of the information in class.  It would be a win-win for everyone, especially in schools where time is short and a specific amount of information has to be covered.  Mindy smith

Students assessments can be very useful. I try and give many opportunites for the students to assess how they are doing in class. Oftentimes an uncollected in class assignment can give the student an idea of how they are doing in the class. 

I use a variety of these methods to bring the students into the coversation of the class. Self assessments can be extemely useful 

in drawing students in to make useful contributions. Thay also give the students instant feedback. Oftentimes the students will come up after class to discuss their answers which also helps to create a rapport with the students.

Self assessments are useful for the students and the Instructors. I often try and assess the class and the Instrction I am giving to the students to try and improve on my Instruction methods. I will often try to change the method of instruction from traditional lecture to group activity to interactive teams. The students especially enjoy it when the material is presented in a different format. 

I constantly try a variety of methods to bring the students into the class discussion. Self assements especially when the are anonymous I have found to be very useful in the classroom dynamic. I ofent use the assessments for class discussion as I do not have the students put their names on their assessments. This also adds variety to the class and creates a new way to present the material. 

@LaceyFinley This is a great way to have the students be responsible for their learning as well as assessment.  The questions being asked allow the students to really think about their paper and how they can improve as well as what their strengths are.  The students can also use the feedback received to edit the paper for the next time.

Student self assessments do allow the instructor to manage the classroom effectively, to spend their time on concepts that are more challenging if the class understands the basics.  A pre-test is very effective to have students respond to simple questions to gauge a pulse of the classroom before moving on to more challenging concepts.  If different learning levels exist there is also an opportunity to allow advanced students to assist struggling students to raise both groups up.

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