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Concrete applications are neccessary

I very much agree with Module 3 that it is very important in career colleges that we start with the big picture. It is then that we add concrete applications and repetition to increase student comprehension. I find that most career college students ask "why is this important to me" more often and for good reason. We need to welcome those questions, utilize application of concepts and motivate retention of the newknowledge or skill.

Most of my students are in my class to improve themselves and therefore need to have the tasks and skills they are to learn presented from that perspective. In other words, how is the course material going to practically apply to their success and improve their quality of life.

You hit the nail on the head because my students do not understand why they must take general education classes. They need to see the big picture because without it, they won't even start.

I too, agree. I think we are asked this question more from students who are returning to school since they really want to learn only what they need to learn. They are taking time away from work and their families and get more motivated when they understand the application.

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