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Life experiences in class

Allowing students to share thier life experiences in class keeps the class interesting

I try to allow others to relate their story after "that person" tells theirs so everyone feels included.

Sharing life experiences with classmates helps the students feel like a part of the class. Anytime someone shares a personal event I make sure to tie it in with what we are discussing. Students can also learn from others experiences. I make a habit of giving personal examples of being the the medical assistant field, so the students will know that what we are teaching them will actually be used in the field.

I agree! It also allows those students who have experience to teach the other students about what they have learned. It adds a richness to the class that cannot be given in other areas.

Also, Sharing life experiences allow other students to reflect and visualize themselves as successes, or motivates them to achieve success.

By letting the students discuss their experiences,it helps to motivate students that have not yet had the experience.

Very true. I think if we set the example for this kind of discussion & relating of real life experiences, our students will follow suit & keep it professional.

Dr. Ryan Meers

In some cases Letting them talk about their life experiences is good, as long as they keep it involving the subject matter. In past experiences I have had students take the chance to talk about their experiences, and they took it to a wrong level. Being able to stop this before it gets too far is the Key. Sometimes they are waiting for the right time to open up, and use this as that time. As long as they keep it on a professional level, then it can be a vary usefull thing in the class room. Just don't let it get out of hand.

Great reminder here! You are right, we've all been in that class or workshop with "that person." The one who always has a story & it's better than anyone else's.

Students bring a diversity of experiences to the classroom.

Allowing students to share their life experiences in class does keep class interesting, and lets the students know that you are interested in them as a person, but the instructor needs to be careful not to let one or two students dominate the topic by sharing too much or for too long. Other students get bored and this can cause disention among studnets at times.

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