I learned that I am a Model, Manager and Motivator for my students. How I dress, the way I speak, how I conduct myself, and how I use my time, acting as a leader, and having confidence in the classroom reflects on me as a teacher. I play many roles. Professionalism is extremely important.
Don't try to be the smartest person in the room. Try to demonstrate your passion you have for your trade and show why others should also be passionate.
Lead by example. Students look up to us as professionals. We must model that.
The biggest thing I took away from this is the kind of instructor I would like to be. I want to be the instructor that is there 15+ minutes early to engage with my students or to be there if they have any questions about what we have covered so far.
Reflection, be professional, Present yourself in the way you expect from your students
Sometimes I wear my mood on my sleeve. I need to be aware of how I am coming across to my students and show enthusiasm even if I'm not.
Yiu want to have a development plan and lead by example.
I have learned that professionalism is a collective approach to your overall presenatation to the students.
As faculty, I will focus on improving my technical, professional and personal competency on a daily basis. I will continue to value real-time student feedback and will recognize my own opportunities to improve.
Teach how you want to be taught. If you would be offended, upset, or bored by a teacher doing something, do not do it.
It is important to lead by example and look for ways to improve teaching. Engage students with the material and teach in a way that sets a tone that they are able to trust the instructor as well as the material being taught.
To lead by example and lead your students in the right direction by inspiring them to learn.
Comment on Gary Wilkerson's post:
Hi Gary,
that first video defiantly made an impression on me as well. I agree with the humbling yourself, not only because others can be smarter than you, but because it is human nature to test people on what they say and how they behave. So coming in with a different approach will set the tone for everyone.
From this module I have learned the importance of professionalism in and out the classroom.
Be the model you want your students to become by exhibiting a high level of professionalism at all times.
I have noticed that as a new instructor I need to improve in the area of prfessionalism. I can't be their "pal," but I can be their friend. There is a difference. Also, I need to be aware of the example I set before them. Moreover, I need to be more prepared and more confident in front of them.
Adhere to the ideas presented in this course. Use the tools available in order to
- maintain growth
- maintain a course of action for improvement
- be sensitive to students
Lead by example, be a model, a manager, and a motivator. Continue to grow in your profession with staff development courses. Learning is more important than teaching.
Leading by example but also reading the room. Understanding how each individual best learns and being able to properly relay the information to best be absorbed
Love what you know and be a great example. it's okay not to act smart.