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I gained a better understanding of strategies for test question writing and also when to use what type of questions in assessment planning. 

there are different test used to asses the students progress

There are several different types of testing methods you can use. It is good to use a variety. However, I did learn that matching tests are not always the best option as it is difficult for students to transfer information and could become confused.

I learned how different styles of testing relate to the subject of study, also how to use the test to correctly evaluate the knowledge of the students.

Numerous educators regard essay questions as the epitome of assessment, as they demand a higher level of engagement from students compared to other question formats. Unlike multiple-choice questions, essay prompts necessitate more than mere recognition of correct responses, rendering rote memorization ineffective in preparation for essay examinations. By their very nature, essay inquiries evaluate intricate cognitive processes, critical analysis, and problem-solving abilities, mandating students to articulate their thoughts effectively through coherent English prose.

I learned about the different types of assessments and which one to use when I am looking for certain outcomes.

I learned what the different testing styles were and how they are productive in the classroom. 

Assessments are important because they reveal how much the student has learned.

The compare and contrast of the different typed of test.  Pro/con and when to use!

i learned about the different testing procedures and how they have different pro's and con's

Make essay questions comprehensive rather than focused on small units of content.

I learned that the woman in the video has a style that I find to be very off putting.  Nearly every video they show of her, is to say the least concerning.  In this section she discusses, "Negative points" in participation.  Most of it was ok, until she says if a student had been wanting to get involved in the discussion but wasn't able, finally gets a turn, but asks about something from earlier that is a negative.  That is a terrible teaching method.  That student had a question and you are going to penalize them for asking because you judge it too late?  The only thing that will accomplish is discouraging participation.

We use assessments to ensure the students are learning and retaining the information from lecture/readings. This section provided me with more understanding of how we can curtail our exams to drive certain points home.

I have improved my multiple choice test writing questions over the years, but I still have lots of room for improvement! 2 things I learned: avoid giving additional information (teaching) in the test question, and put the terminology/vocab in the question and the definition in the answer. I often do that in reverse. 

Es importante conocer los diferentes modelos de evaluacion de aprendizajes. Pq ademas algunos son mas apropiados segun sea el conocimiento que se imparte


Through this module, I’ve learned that creating effective assessments is crucial for accurately measuring student understanding and progress. I’ve gained insight into the importance of aligning assessments with learning objectives, ensuring that they are fair, reliable, and valid. The module emphasized the need for a variety of assessment methods to cater to different learning styles, from formative assessments like quizzes and peer reviews to summative assessments such as exams and projects.


I intend to apply this knowledge by designing assessments that are more closely aligned with the learning goals of my students. I will incorporate a diverse range of assessment tools to capture a holistic view of student learning, ensuring that each student’s unique strengths are recognized. Additionally, I’ll focus on providing timely and constructive feedback, helping students understand their progress and areas for improvement. By doing so, I aim to create a more engaging and supportive learning environment that fosters continuous growth and achievement.

State questions in positive form, if possible, because students often misread negatively-phrased questions.

I learn why it’s important to choose different types of evaluations and how to construct effective questions for each type. This knowledge will help me create more targeted and meaningful assessments that align with the learning objectives.

testing formats matter

I have learned that the publisher's test questions don't always follow good practice.  I have noticed that they frequently violate some of the suggestions identified in this module.

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