I take the first 10-15 minutes of the class for review. I put terms or topics on the board and have the students tell me as much information about each as they can. Then I continue with the new subject for the day and asking questions as I proceed through the lecture
Hi Sue,
Good way to bring the minds of the students back to the subject of the day through review. This way they can reflect on where they have been and then prepare their minds for where the class is going to go that session.
I take the first 15 minutes of the class to review. I ask the students specific questions regarding the material that was cover the day before. I put terms, ata or even a drawing on the white board and have the students give me as much information as they can. The I introdce the new subject material and follow that with a final review before the end of the cvlass.
I also think it is important to review not only at the end of the class but again the next day. It amazes me how the ah-ha moment will appear during review sessions. Repetitiveness of subject matter is so important for students to gain an understanding of material.
Hi Kimberlee,
I like your comment about the ah-ha moment being the next day. Sometimes new content needs some time to be soaked up in the brains of students and then they get it. Your review process is helping them to do just that.
I agree. Giving time for the light bulb to come on increases their learning.
I like to have the students do a review during the 1st part of the class. I ask them to keep their books closed, and no notes. I ask questions about prior material, answer any questions about the prior material and then congratulate them on their effort. I also remind those who say " I haven't learned anything" what they HAVE learned and then re-affirm their learning which has taken place without their knowledge!
I like to give my students an outline of the days events followed by a recap and overview at the end of each class.
yes,its critical in our fast paced learning enviroment,and I get a report card on how well I delivered the information the day before,not to mention getting a better feel for the class learning styles.
Good way to read the class because you are doing a learning check with your review and this sets the stage for what content you will share in the class that day.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.