What's if the expectation of the teacher is greater than the school's expectation?
The instructor should set the bar high and base it on the standards that are needed for success. To do anything less is unfair to the students.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Shouldn't the expectation of the instructor exceed the expectations of the school and the student? The student will rise to the challenge. Nothing bad can come of that.
It is so true that we must remind all the students that we hold high expectation for each and every single one of them and that will make them work harder because they know we believe in them and their success.
Hi Melanie,
By increasing the requirements as the course progresses you are expanding the learning of your students as well as increasing their abilities to cope with different situations. You are helping them to build a set of transferable skills for future use.
Yes I agree, all my students know my expectations everyday. they ar enot too high or too low, however everyday I like to raise the bar to challenge them and get them ready for the real world.
Hi Joannie,
Having lectured at Harvard I can tell you that reality and perception are two different things. Great school but I have experienced the same quality of instruction and depth of content at many many other colleges. I like your response to the students because they are getting a high quality education at their school. The key is for them to realize it. Keep up the good work.
I often encounter students who will state, "This is not Harvard" and my reply, "Maybe not, but it could be."
A student's quality of learning or expectation should not be diminished because of the school's name. As an educator, we are all "charged" with educating the leaders of tomorrow. I want my students to leave my class knowing as much as I can teach them while I have them and being able to apply it.
thats a problem in any setting you can try to have regular meetings with the supervisors see if they can address what you feel strongly about and also build a case with student feedback
Hi Jacky,
Good point. The expectations have to be based upon the standards of the field. By keeping up with your graduates you are doing just that. This way your students know you are helping them to prepare for their field with realistic content and skills.
Expectation has to be reasonable.we as teachers sometimes have tendency to set the bar to high.As a teacher,I stay in touch with previous students ant find out how they are doing.If they put in good practice what they have learned,then my expectations are satisfied.
Hi Catherine,
This is a tough situation. You will have to find some type of common ground on this. If you can't then maybe that school is not the place you want to be as an educator. You have to decide how strongly you believe in and can defend the standards you have set for your students.