decoding and recoding is a processing aspect of holding and storing information that can only be realized through the attention of the subject and on how well he is willing to listen.
a lot of time people want to listen to only what they want to hear. to change this behavour then we must teach them how to listen as well...
Hi Laurent,
Excellent point. On the wall of the Oval Office, President Johnson has a sign hung that read "If you are talking your aren't learning anything.". I like this statement because of just what you said in your forum comments.
How do you encourage behavior change? I am interested in hearing ideas? I think using teams, discussion forums, etc, with activities to follow help promote listening, decoding, and recoding. It allows each student to hear how others "hear" the information, process information, and learn. In these moments, students realize how they can learn differently, having "ah ha" moments for decoding and recoding.
Hi Jennifer,
You are right on target with your thinking. Two things come out of these types of learning sessions the students get hear how individuals process information so they can learn to be respective of how others acquire new knowledge and secondly they learn how to share information with others and they strengthen their communication skills.
I'm thinking about ways I can help students in my class too. I'd like for students to be able to play a more active role in creating their own 'graphical representations' of the information they're hearing.
Agreed...if I am not listening to my students, how can I expect them to listen to me?
It is important to keep them involved in the conversation/lesson. By listening to them and incorporating their responses into the lecture, you capture their attention.
I create listening only time in class where for some time students can only listen, if they want to ask a question they write it down and ask later on
Hi Lev,
Good strategy for involved all students even those that may be a bit more shy about speaking up in class. This way everyone can feel comfortable contributing.
I too think it is important to grab the attention early and keep it, this doesnt always mean the entire semester must be jaw dropping. But if you present the material in an interesting light, they will want to stay tuned for what is to come!
Hi LeeAnne,
You are right on with your comment. If you start slow with content presentation the course is going to be a challenge to get started. Starting off with something dynamic engages the students and get them looking forward to the class each time it meets.
Yes, students need to learn how to listen, so as instructors. Sometimes, we as instructors need to really listen to students questions to understand where they feel confused about the content of the class.
Listen requires great skill. My experience with adult learners they want to speak to soon. As a educator it helps me apply the skill of listening which demonstrates to my students the importance of listening. I often repeat the question back to the student who is asking this show them it's ok to listen to understand.
Hi Farrell,
Good point about listening. I say a sign one time that said "When you are talking your aren't learning." I try to remember that sign when I am teaching and listen carefully to what the students are saying so I can better respond to their questions and discussions.
Instructors need to listen to the class. It is one of our weak points. Listening to the student gives us feed back to see if they really understand and, if not, what part are they confused about. Their questions should lead our lectures on the proper course.
Hi Ronald,
Well said and a key point. Listening is learning and this is critical to understanding where students are coming from and how to support them.
Learning to listen also involves using all your senses. You can detect nervousness more than by hearing, for example. Great learners are not only the holders of knowledge and they know how to listen to others and use it all.
excellent idea I think I will try that. When I lecture i usually do not let them take notes as I lecture rather I talk to them and emphasize key points verbally. When I am done with lecture I will pull up the key points on a carefully planned power point sheet