I agree on the inspirational aspect of teaching. We need to be models of our field as well as motivators of our students. Helping them to catch a vision of where they can go with their education is a part of the motivation process. Once inspired they really catch fire and get excited about what they are learning.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I have tried to think of the student or students that whom i am speaking to at that point in time, to be the most important person or people at that point in time. Even going out of your way to say hi to them can make a huge impact on how they respond to a class or even an instructor.
This is so important because it is the human side of being an educator. We need to show our students we value them as individuals and that we want them to succeed. By doing so we can send the message that we in return expect our students to put forth the effort needed to be successful.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I agree with all of that. I will say though, you can do everything right but still, people will leave. There are many reasons, other than, not liking an instructors lecture, that cusae students to quit school.
Right you are. Some of the factors are beyond our ability to fix them and we lose students. Always makes me sad to lose a student but I let them know that they are welcome to come back anytime their life has settled down and they are able to be students once again. They have to be able to be students and when chaos takes over stepping out can be the best way to regain control. We have many that do come back and graduate. What a great day it is when they walk the platform ready to enter their career.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
If all students feel that they are part of the community they will make every effort to complete the class and course. Although we may at times need to add encouragement and support in the classroom, all other communication with our students should be on the same level as everyone else with whom we have contact.
Good point. Instructors need to be fair and consistent in how they interact with students. By doing so each student will realize they are valued in the course and that their instructor is there to support them if they are willing to put forth the needed effort.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
You have to make sure that you are speaking to the students - as a student and not an instructor, or someone who is already in the profession. I have found that there are some students who can handle to be spoke to as a practicing professional, but those are the ones with the medical background coming into the program.
I strongly agree. Retenion is important as the students enter into the work force.Being able to remember procedures will allow them to work efficently with the Doctors.
Knowledge and skill retention is essential if the students are going to be successful in their careers. So the more strategies you can employ to help them along this line the better.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I have found unfortunately with this younger generation....for some reason there are way to many other things that seem to be more important then coming to class and staying in class...if someone could pinpoint what is needed to keep the student in their seats it would make things alot easier for the instructors along with the students.
This is a common problem for many instructors myself included. I have to really work on attendance with my students which I shouldn't have to since they are paying a lot of money to be in the class. They don't seem to make the connection between the classes they are taking and their future. We all have paid dues by attending classes and spending time in our career fields. This is how we have achieved success and yet they want success (money) without effort. Makes for some very interesting discussions about why they can't seem to catch a break when they don't come to class and if they do they don't do the work.
On the bright side I have some great students that are just out of high school that know what they want and are willing to put forth the effort needed to be successful in their coursework. These are fun students to have and they make all of the effort worth it.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Important part of the retention is repetition. It helps students to memorize, retain information.I always use it.
Right you are about repetition. The more creative repetition that can be brought into the course the greater storage there will be in the working memories of the students.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Retention is important.....however.....retention without practical application of the retained/transferable "skills", does not prepare students for the highly competitive job market. I have known many straight A students that cannot "practice" what they have retained.
So true. Students must be able to make application of content and skills. As you say without this ability they have little or no value to employers and career success will not be theirs.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.