Students Not Utilizing Resources
In particular, I am having a challenge with one student who refuses to use the free MS Office software that the school provides. He is turning in his papers on the discussion board and I contacted tech support early on. He is not responding to tech support and I did reach on his behalf.
He is wanting a scholarship. I could grade his papers from the wrong area but they still would not be of passing quality. Very bluntly, I asked him what the response from tech support was and he keeps asking me to grade the same papers in the wrong format. This may be one of those situations where I tried but I keep reaching out.
Thoughts? Sounds confusing but we have standards to uphold from an accreditation standpoint as well as class standards.
Hi Andrea,
The key on this situation is to document all the contacts you have had with this student in case there is ever a question that comes up later. Also, you have a clear path to follow that takes it out of personal (meaning that you don't like him and that is why you are doing this--not true but can be said) and puts it into the professional arena. You cannot grade him in the wrong format due to accreditation standards. This way it is not your decision but it is a compliance standard that must be followed. He then can use the MS Office software and put it into the right format or he can receive the failing grade. It is his choice from this point on.
Hi Andrea,
I wonder if the student is having a hard time understanding your directions because of ESL issues or is it possible that they student could have a LD (Learning Disability)? Either way, I think you are doing the right thing by bluntly stating that the student will not pass unless they obtain the correct software to use for the class.
I have found that by continually redirecting the student, in a very polite fashion, that he is fairly likely to then comply with the established standards. I think I would continue to reply to him (after every time he asked about the grading) with a polite email stating that I cannot accept his work until it in the required format. After awhile, I'd begin to copy his Advisor in on the emails. So, I think I'd do much of what was already mentioned here. :) It really does help when it is an accreditation issue, and you absolutely cannot compromise on the issue, and the student cannot fault you for the grade not being issued until he complies.
I have wondered the same thing myself. This person is also not applying APA, has many typographical errors and said that he is applying for a scholarship.
I have come across many students who are working through "the system" to get accommodations for disabilities. And, some may not even know that they have a disability or have not been properly diagnosed.
You read my mind!
That is exactly what I have been doing. Good advice.
I did reach out to his advisor and to tech support. He keeps going back and "reposting" his work when his grades continued to fail due to improper formatting, spelling and no research.
I told him that I cannot regrade assignments again and again and that I still have not heard his response to what tech support said.
It looks right now like he will not pass the class.
And that, of course, is what is so unfortunate; he may fail, which does not bode well for him. And your retention ratio will be lower, which does not bode well for you. But know that you have done all you can. (And, no, I do not continually regrade assignments, either; one regrading is my limit.)
Hi Andrea,
Sad to hear but it is up to him to make the final choice if he is to pass or fail. You and the other college officials have done a lot for this student so you have to feel good that you have really tried hard even if the results aren't what you wanted.
Hi Laurel,
Sad to hear about how this is working with the student but I admire your stance in terms of maintaining your standards for the course. This may be a good lesson for this student because once he is out in the work world and decides that he is not going to do what is required for the job he is going to have a chance to redo his vita because he is going to be looking for work.
Some students are not reachable and this may be such a person. Continue what you are doing and focus on all those students that are learning and performing in a professional manner.
Agreed. I find at our school that we get so caught up in the idea of "saving" students who are in trouble, we often lose sight of the fact that those students are simply making a bad choice. They have all available resources and support at their disposal - if they choose not to use those resources or accept support, they are beyond our reach.
Our school has textbooks that are issued to all new students. Thay have a wealth of information, and although fairly bulky, can be used nearly every day during class lectures and lab. I find it interesting that students rarely bring them to class. I will try to continually emphasize the usefulness of the textbook, and try to incorporate it into my class presentations, encouraging students to make the most of all available resources.
Hi Tracey,
Keep up the effort so the students will see the value of using different references, such as the textbook to keep current. The more you can refer to the text and then cite from it the more the students will see the need to read it and bring it to class for use. Keep up the good work.