Acceptance in the classroom
What I have learend in this unit has solidified what I have witnessed in the classroom. I have seen the apprehension adult learners have especially with courses that involve the use of a computer. Conversely,the younger student population tends to be overly confident with courses that involve the use of computers and then they tend to make too many mistakes.
This has been my experience as well. I am a big fan of peer peer assistance. As you say both individuals benefit from the experience and make progress in their professional development.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I've found that when I have students who master a skill quickly, if I place them with others who still don't get it, they both benefit. It enhances skills when you have to teach it to someone else, and some of the pressure is off if you're learning and practicing with another student.
I am a newer instructor, but I am definitely noticing these qualities as well. I feel like my adult learners are much more motivated, too. I realize that I need to find a balance and meet the needs of all of my students in the classroom.
When I have a student such as this I have a private session with the individual and try to determine what the problem is in working in a group. Based upon the information I get from the student I then put the individual back into the assigned group or put him/her in another group. The point I make to the student is that they will be in a group because my class is preparation for life and in life we don't get to opt out of working with others. So I want to help them to develop their abilities in working others. If they chose to sit out our group work I ask them to leave as they are not going to disrupt the learning of others due to their negative attitudes.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I have worked with students successfully by using the group method with different age groups. It has been very sucessful most of the time.
Occasionally I get a student that just doesn't care to participate. Through body language and sometimes verbal responces will not respond to any attempts on my part or the team members.
When that happens I have had the student sit with the group hoping they will see how much fun and help it can be. Sometimes it works. Sometimes the group will reject this student because of their behavior.
What suggestions do you have?
This is one of the challenges we educators have in working with students from different age groups. It is fun to put the students into learning groups where they get to work with people of all ages. I have built competition into the assignments so the students forget the age differences and focus on getting the right answer using the different life experiences each brings to the class.
Dr. Gary Meers