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Instructor Burnout

Instructor burnout can easily occur, but also can be easily prevented. One piece of advice I would offer, would be to continuously look for new ways to deliver the same material. The best part of this process is you can more often than not, turn to your fellow instructors who have a different teaching approach. I have also found that implementing a variety of teaching methods and mixing things up can help prevent burnout.

I agree and find it effective to attend the instruction presented by others in order to develop new methods.

@SherryErneysitting in on someone elses class can give you fresh ideas on how to present info.


That is completely true. A continuing education course will also energize the mind. However to avoid burning out quickly it pays to take it step by step as it comes. In every lesson as a facilitator, throwing questions back to class for their contributions will make them more active and save the instructor a few calories. A good number of students will take up the challenge and answer. Others will research if asked to do so and bring answers later, they will happily do so. It delays burning out.

@lindagibson : This is an interesting way to took at the change of schedule as well as the approach to a burn-out situation.  I am one that is so comfortable in the course(s) that I teach that when I have to switch it up I'm not always happy.  Next time I will think of how it will benefit me and the student by changing things up a bit.

Another approach, and it is not always easy to create, but put yourself in the "student' position by attending another class or observing another instructor. It can help to refocus and re-energize you just from a change in perspective or environment.

Yes, instructors burnout easily especially when they are teaching the same subjects day in and day out. Instructors must be rotated around every few weeks to teaching different advance classes and working clinic floor ect. Making sure they have a well rounded lifestyle outside of work going to gym and family/friend time and vacations. Helps relieve pressures from our jobs because it is and can be a stressful environment at times.

It is difficult for adjuncts at times. At our school we pair any adjuncts with a senior instructor who can walk them through the classes they're assigned giving the adjunct someone to look to for information

I agree that you have to continuously refine your approach. Turning to fellow instructors assumes that there is a support network. Unfortunately in today's environment a support network is entirely lacking. You are hired as a adjunct, only allowed class room time and there is no fellow team members to lean on.

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