Keeping Your Focus on the Students | Origin: ED102
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Student Retention Methods --> Keeping Your Focus on the Students
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
This module is a good reminder to draw students into discussion with personal experiences if possible. Also by remaining enthusiastic and engaged in the material myself I can creat some level of motivation for my students.
Enthusiasm and motivating myself is an important reflection that I need to continue. This module section has reminded me to refresh myself so I can motivate the students.
In this module, I like the idea about REFOCUS which helps an instructor to be creative, self-motivation, and provide personal experiences to make the class more interesting.
REFOCUS was a tool I didn't know about but plan on using.
Often halfway through the course things change and students and teacher may experience some burnout. There are several strategies for helping get through this
Learned srtratigies to help keep students engaged in the class.
Keeping the students engaged using out of the norm ideas is awesome. I believe it is refreshing for the minds.
Keeping students engaged and focused. Also as an instructor to maintain self-reflection at all times. The instructor acts as a mirror for the student population.
I find that incorporating social media in a lesson helps students stay engaged.
I make sure that I incorporate real life up to date issues with my students to keep them engaged.
Barbara McDuffie
I make a point to always incorporate stories of my life experiences with that particular subject we are discussing. I believe it sticks with them, especially if they get stuck on a quiz or teat question.
It is important to obtain constant feedback from students to determine if learning achieved. R.E.F.O.C.U.S. is a way avoid mid-course slump. Recapture the students commitment to learn by doing an inventory of the knowledge and skills they have larned to show them their progress.
I plan on showing more enthusiam twards the materal,asking more of the student ie. questions,feedback ect. adding stories.I will incorperate the strategys to avoid the mid corse slump to help with student focus.
To make sure that student expectations are met as well as the instructor expectations. In addtion to providing the
neccessary material fro the enchancement of the students course learning skills.
In this module, I liked learning about the REFOCUS tool. It helps an instructor be creative and reflect on their own achievements.
I liked the surprise instructional techniques discussed in this module.
The importance of variety and how and why you should build rapport with students.
Reply to Amy Horak's post:
This chapter stressed how to engage some of the most difficult students; those who do not participate. Engaging them in small groups is a great method to get them to feel more comfortable.
DIfferentiated instruction! ENjoyed this section