Be a good model for your students. Showing passion for your craft and interest in the topics that you're teaching will keep them engaged.
One way to keep students engaged is in group activities acting out crisis situation. this will help mitigate mid-course slump.
This session introduced new opportunities in the classroom, that I intend on using.
I learned that stories should be used to fulfill a definite instructional purpose. They help students visualize and internalize complex issues or concepts. Anecdotes draw students into the learning process by activating their imaginations.
The "crisis game" is something I want to put into practice with my students. I know that in my area of teaching, it will bring about real-life situations in which students can practice what they have been learning.
It was a good section to remind us that to engage students in discussions, we need to incorporate their real life experiences and how it can affect their learning outcomes and retention.
The refocus method seems extremely useful to remotivate yourself as an instructor.
I have learned methods of how to connect with the students.
Know your students and try to include the ones that don't speak up often. One strategy could be allow them to express thoughts and ideas through writing
By creating a base of trust with student can help build student rapport, in which can be a powerful learning tool.
Stories can add to the class by showing application of the material.
Developing a rapport with students and being vulnerable to share stories personally, not be judgmental, listen attentively, and tolerance of another point of view. REFOCUS techniques on reengagement.
A variety of teaching methods will usually keep students engaged.
I appreciate the acknowledgement of the mid-term slump and varying ways to improve the situation.
Remaining engaging and encouraging student participation through variety was a key take away. I also had never seen the REFOCUS acronym. I think it is a very useful tool.
Its always rewarding keeping your students involved and interested in the topics at hand without getting to far off of subject. drawing them back in to the main topic is essential
Keeping the students engaged with various strategies to help solidify their understanding of the content. Using storytelling is great concept to incorporate during a long lecture to prevent boredom.
The instructors attitude influences the students learning, and it is common that halfway through the class the Instructor may feel as if they are in a slump. Demotivated, and not as excited as before. It is imperative that they REFOCUS.
Interesting to consider that the attention span of adults is 10-15 minutes.