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Three basic steps are important in the process. The process before class, the process during the class, and the process of assessment after the class. The method is truly useful and student oriented. 

Very interesting concept for my 3d printing and social media classes. The concepts taught in class are very hands-on and visual so I think the flipped classroom strategy fits perfectly. 


I have used similar techniques in my courses without being aware of this concept and it has proven quite useful and fruitful for both me and my students. Now that it has been explained as a due process, I feel I can better implement the methodology behind the Flipped Classroom concpet much more efficiently, breaking down the course content into the three steps. Feedback and student interaction while performing the activities has shown positive outcomes and better overall class performance. Assessment can also be integrated more easily with step 2 when students have a chance to demonstrate their understanding of the material by executing the activity and discussing their outcomes with peers and the instructor while receiving constructive feedback in return. Will definitely adapt future courses to this method. Thank you!


For art classes is already a useful idea where students need to participate more around the class. The tecnic will hel in ther critique of his work and his fellow classemate. 


I have used the flipped classroom to some capacity previously.  I am looking to transform all of my classes over to it.  I want to be sure that I am taking all the necessary steps to excute it effectively.  


I agree with the comments of my peers. I am concerned in developing a work at home attitude to the student and applying methods to reduce or eliminate distraction.

This is a great concept, and enhances student learning. Students may balk about it initially, but they will adapt and end up liking it better than being lectured. 


We have been using a similar system since transitioning to a blended schedule. it has been working well.


Reply to Marian Achenie's post:Excellent, I agree that students will find themselfs more knowledable by applyin the information in class after they review content at home. Feedback can be provided immediately and it decreases the frustration threat.

I have learned so far that there are three steps to take when flipping a class and it starts with Journaling.


I'm  new to the flipped classroom ide aand  it seem like it will take a lot of prep work, resource and time .  I will try it out for a few in a few months and see what happens. 

The "flipping the classroom" concept sounds very interesting.  My worry is students not wanting to invest time or students not having time to do the pre-class learning.

Increasing student retention by flipping the classroom seems like a pretty great idea. My job had a training on this concept before and thought that it would not be possible to not focus on lecturing. But I do notice my students benefit from more demonstration. I also realize from this course that I should not interfere with too many demonstrations on my own. The students need to figure it out for themselves, but I need to give them immediate feedback so that they can go back to the drawing board and utilize their critical thinking skills more

I hope to flip the classroom to keep my students engaged.

This method would be useful and I believe would create more interaction that is needed in today's society. We are used to using technology so often that some forget how to have a face to face conversation and I think this would help in that aspect. 

This is a fabulous approach and one that I am seeing more of in classrooms. I would like to work on turning my class 100 % and will enjoy the benefits for both the students and myself.

I have applied some of these techniques to my classroom, but was unable to fully flip due to students not having consistent computer and internet access at home. If that were available, I would enjoy utilizing the flipped classroom, because I think it would be very beneficial for students and teachers. 

I have been doing this already in one aspect, I have been assigning reading outside class and quizzing on the reading PRIOR to my Lecture. I did not know it had a name, but my goal was to increase participation in outside reading, and having a quiz on the reading materials prior to lecture was a way for me to assess their engagement with the reading. 

I am fairly new to academia.  The flipped classroom goes along with active learning for students which I truly feel benefits the students.  I like the 3 steps.  It is clear and organized and it allows me to look at existing material I am teaching and break down a topic into these 3 steps to foster this flipped classroom.  The only issue I see with this is having the students engage in step 1.  Doing the necessary work at home.  Sometimes I have difficulty having students read case studies at home so when they come to class we are prepared and ready to talk about interventions etc.  

This method is very useful as it enables students to better use their time and resources to do progressively more each year.


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