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to do list

I have always made a "to do list". I have never prioritized it. Outstanding idea.

I found the idea of prioritizing my “to do” list very helpful. By prioritizing, the list it allows me to accomplish the most important tasks first as well as helping me accomplished the goals in a timely manner. The “to do” list allows me to be more organized in my career and my personal life.

That's great Patricia! Yes, the scratching out part of the day can give you a great feeling of accomplishment!

I have always made "to do" list and they work for me. I start every morning at work and prepare my "to do list". After I write everything down, I then will go back and number them by priorty. I think that it is the best way to keep me organized and use my time efficently. As I complette a task I will scratch it out when I am done and at the end of the day I feel accomplished when I have cross outs on my list because I know that I used my time well.

I’m glad that your “to do” list is working so well for you Scott. Working with it an hour a day sounds a little time consuming in itself. But If that's working for you, then it’s important to keep with it.

I spend about 1 hour every morning (over coffee) - at home modifying my "list of things to do / goals / plan of the day. I carry it around with me all day & modify it as needed. It's extremely helpful to me (sort of a road map). I also review it at the end of the day (sometimes on the drive home)so that I know exactly what I need to accomplish on the next day.

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