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"To Do" lists and Prioritization

As an ex-military pilot, we lived by "check lists" in order to go flying. If you skipped something on the "check list", the results potentially could often be very bad!!
I live by "To Do" / "Check Lists" now-a-days.
Prioritizing is just good practice!! It is something we learned in the military and is always a good practice.

I agree. I really think that we all should formulate these to do lists and start living by them. It would easily eliminate unnecesary stress in our lives thus helping us live longer, healther lives.

I also agree with to do lists. It adds more structure and control to any situation.

Indeed, a little structure can give us more control over our lives - personally and professionally. To do lists help provide that structure.

Prioritization in our work life is so important with the career choices some have made could mean the difference with someone living or dying. We must know which patient to go to first if called. Not knowing our patients or their illness and where to rank their prioritization could have a devastating out come.

To Do lists and Prioritization is important in all aspects of our lives, not just as Instructors. It is important for us to be able to create To Do list and follow it and to teach our students to do the same.

I have a classroom to do list that I put up
every session. It helps w/ organization and
also provides a reminder for many items, such
as quiz dates, project dates, etc.

I love "check off" lists. They let me break down tasks even further if need be in order to do them properly. Every detail has been attended to. The best part is that others can follow them with ease.

Yes, lists are a great time management strategy. It's hard for something to fall through the cracks when it's written down like that. Easier to focus on breaking tasks down and addressing the details too!

I love "to do" lists, and they are my primary means for avoiding procrastination. For me, procrastination is a huge cause of stress. If my "to do" list is too long, I lose sleep and experience significant amounts of stress. To do lists are effective for me because they allow me to check off items, which gives me a sense of satisfaction. Nothing feels better than seeing a list with EVERYTHING checked off, but I also don't let myself get stressed out if, at the end of the day, there are still some things left to do. I have learned to accept that I can't get everything done every day. Instead, I just keep my goals realistic.

Sounds like you have a good system that works for you Denise. I should also mention that I really like your expectations of yourself. They sound really reasonable and I'm sure things helps a lot.

checking something off your to-do list gives you sense of accomplishment allowing to gain momentum to accomplish more

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