Yes, good organization really can put you in control Willie. It's a great feeling when we are completely on top of things.
I have learned how important it is to be perpared and organized for class each day. It makes you feel more in contorl of your time when you manage your time well.
I have always been a "List Maker". It comes quite naturally to me to prioritize tasks at the start of each day. There is a running list in my head with priority on those items that have time urgency or consequence urgency. I find that helps to keep me from falling into the trap of "immediacy" which can be a problem for me.
Great to hear you are good at getting urgent tasks completed Abigail. Not all people can say that. Often times instructors procrastinate. It's ok if you can't get to other, less urgent tasks. Sounds like you have a good method of prioritization that is working well for you.
The task that must be completed right away I an really pretty good getting them done. I like to get them off my plate as soon as I can. other task that are not as important is hard because I put them off until later. I am working on these and others.
Great points Enrique! Culinary is a highly specialized field where timing is everything. In cooking, even the slightest form of procrastination can really show.
You are not alone Cynthia. Many instructors - as well as people in countless other professions - put themselves last. They often feel as though they are being selfish when taking a little me time. Too much me time can hurt, but a little can be healthy.
Excellent! So glad to hear Edward. Yes, there's something great about putting your tasks on a list and putting them out of your mind. With your list, you can relax and enjoy life a little more, knowing you have a sound approach to getting it all done!
Ive already started putting together a list each day. I like being able to check it off the list it, I can feel the stress melt away.
As a culinary instructor it is of extreme importance to prioritize tasks if you are going to be succesful. Daily demostrations are recurring tasks that change form on a daily basis but their completition is required. Your day needs to be planed around the demo,even when certain students might need special attention the demo cannot be substituted or postponed.
It has been most effective for me to: 1) first complete tasks that have non-negotiable deadlines 2) then tackle items that are important, but may not have urgent deadlines and then 3) deal with all other tasks.
I always have lists of projects that need to be completed. I spend most of my time working to accomplish everything without taking time for myself to relax. I was so obsessed that I made my self sick. During one Doctor's visit, he asked questions about my life. I told him of my very busy schedule & always running out of time to complete them. The Doctor simply said "Who makes these lists?" "Why do you give yourself more than the hours in a day, or more than you can handle? You need to prioritize & stop to smell the roses, your migraines will subside", he was right, but it took me a long time to changemy way of life. I still revert to the old ways when I become obsessed with a project. I guess that I am a work in progress.
Yes it is important to prioritize tasks according to their importance and urgency. Tasks completed early avoid stress, anxiety, and frustration.
I am ususally good at prioritizing the things that need to be done that are of an an urgent nature. Being that I am a program director if I put off things here at school I would wind up taking them home and that I can not do because I have many responsibilities there also. The thing that I find a hard time scheduling time for and prioritizing is me.
Sometimes we have "a case of the shoe cobblers' shoes" William. Even the best time and stress management instructors occasionally forget to use the best methods for dealing with stress. We can more easily get ourselves on track when we acknowledge what we're doing and take the time to make tweaks to our approach.
This is a great approach Dave. Try to get urgent tasks knocked out first or they can haunt you a little later. Then think about prioritizing and getting high priority tasks done right away.
I usually prioritize my tasks and do the most urgent and time consuming tasks first.
Sometimes things get pushed back for various reasons, but I always meet the deadline no matter what it takes. But planning ahead and spreading it out is defintely less stressful.
I tend to focus on high priority tasks first and sometimes procrastinate with low priority tasks. I plan to make low priority tasks more important on my to-do list.
after considering urgency, I tend to prioritize the least pleasent tasks to get them out of the way
So true Jamie! Just try to chip away at a little each day and before you know it, all the work will be done. Thinking about getting things done all at once is almost too daunting and sometimes can be paralyzing. This results in doing nothing at all.