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Take control of my time

For better time mangement we should learn to rank our tasks from least to most important and spend most of our time on the most important task.

This is a good point. I work as a culinary instructor and this is how we teach our students to manage their time in the kitchen. You start with what takes the longest and end with those things that have to be done at the last minute. You then fill in the gaps with the rest of your tasks.

Nazi, Yes, identifying the priorities is key. The challenge that many of us face is when multiple tasks seem to take priority. It can be tough in those situations to choose the most important task to move forward with.

Dr. Melissa Read

As a culinary instructor I look as priortization of tasks as just another form of mis en place.

I teach at a technical college that is part of a large cooperation. As an instructor, I feel my responsibility & focus should be on my teaching & my students. Unfortunately, the cooperation has other priorities in mind for the instructors & often adds responsibilities that are not directly related to teaching ...which eat up the time I should be spending on students ... I often feel overwhelmed & frustrated. I know what I need to do for my students, but the boss says I must spend my time & energy in areas doing task that do not benefit my students!! How well I do these business task will be reflected in my yearly evaluation. Which I feel is completely unfair!
So I have a hard time trying to decide whose priority list is the most important!

Leigh, As instructors, it's hard to balance the task demands of both real needs and procedural requirements. I have a lot of instructors in these forums share the same kinds of challenges with administrators. Sometimes talking to administrators can help because they can give us transparency into why certain requirements are set.

Dr. Melissa Read

You are right that when we, as instructors, show that we have control of our time, we will set a great example for our students.

Michael, Practicing what we teach is often the best approach and it sounds like you agree! Being great role models for our students can often go farther than what we tell them.

Dr. Melissa Read

I completely argee. When your students see you are organized and in control of your time it makes them stride for the same when you are organized and in control of your work load you will relieve your stress.

I aggree that working on the most important is Great and then your least ,but it is still important to get a balance and a routine

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